New York P.1

978 12 45

Shailenes POV:
(A few weeks later thanksgiving break)

We've just got to our hotel in New York! The plane ride was long but I slept the whole way on Devan's shoulder. We got here around 10 pm, we are now settling into our hotel room. Devan is exhausted, and Im hungry. But he won't let me go anywhere alone, talk about an over protective friend! So in a little while we are going to a McDonalds around the corner, because why not?

Not a lot has happened or changed since the funeral and my breakdown. Except for Devan watching my every move, I wouldn't blame him though. I did tell him I wouldn't cut again, And I did.

"Yo have you seen my phone?" Devan asks me.

"Have you been to the bathroom since we arrived?" I question.

He groans and runs into the bathroom, soon coming out with his phone in hand. I take a shower, blow dry and Dutch braid my hair. Followed by getting dressed in joggers and my favorite red adidas sweatshirt, or should I say Devans sweatshirt. It's the one he let me borrow a long while back and I still have it.

Sure enough within the next few minutes we are walking to McDonalds at midnight. I grabbed a table whilst Devan was ordering up at the front, I don't really like to talk to people. He was taking forever so I looked over to see what he was doing. I see a familiar redhead behind the counter. It's Mavis! Oh. My. God. This is comedy gold, Mavis Siena the popular rich bitch of my school, well not anymore. Working the night shift at McDonalds in New York City.

I swiftly and quickly snap a picture of her when I notice that they are arguing. Eh, it's typical she argues with everyone anyway. But I still decide to go see what's going down.

"It's not my fault your a completely self centered, desperate bitch!" I hear Devan whisper yell.

"I second that!" I add.

She glares at me when she notices I am there.

"What are you doing here?" She inquired

"I could ask you the same thing. So uhm, why exactly are you here? Daddy didn't con enough people to make some money? Oh, that's so sad." I say in a child like voice as she glares at me.

"Maybe. But that's none of your business, so fly away little bird."

"Oh, but I'm a customer and you have to answer to a normal customer." I smile evilly? Knowing how much she hates me, I know she's gonna hate to have to wait on me.

"Fine. Welcome to McDonald's what would you like to order?" she says in the least enthusiastic voice ever.

"Devan, you know what I want." I give Mavis a fake smile and make my way back to our table not looking back.
I don't hear anymore banter for a while, I turn to see Devan getting our drinks.

He sits my drink down on the table along with mine and sits down.

"Who would've thought we would run into her here." He says clearly bothered she is here.

"You ok?" I ask nudging his arm so he'll make eye contact with me. He doesn't look at me so I run my fingertip up and down his lips knowing it would make him smile. And I was correct, it did.

"She tried to get me to fuck her. She used me, even though I knew she would. She also just wanted publicity. Given that I am YouTube famous with Collins. She wanted my money, because when you get a lot of views YouTube it pays well. She wanted everything but me but it was expected. I told her I never wanted to see her face again. Pshhh that worked out." He joked, I can see the anger in his eyes fade due to the venting he had just done.

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