Double Date!?

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Shailenes POV:
(October 23rd)
Today is the day. Today Bradley William Simpson is taking ME, ME of all girls on a date. I am bubbling with excitement as I sit at the lunch table with Devan. Who at the moment is annoyed at me. But who cares I'm going out with BRADLEY SIMPSON! I am oblivious to everything around me until I realize that an extra person is at our table.
Mavis Siena. The school Slut and my worst enemy.

"Why the hell is she at our table?" I thought until I heard Devan say "So, Shailene here is going on a date tonight with Brad Simpson. Would you like to go out with me? We could have like a double date?" He grinned.
"I would love to! But ugh Brad Simpson? That gay ugly baby faced guy from The Tramps or something?" Mavis scoffed, I answered "Uhm, he isn't gay and the band is called The Vamps genius." I correct her in a attitude filled tone.

I don't know what I am feeling right now. I have this burning feeling in my chest, and I feel hurt, helpless even. I'm not jealous, I mean could I be? No, I'm not. I mean if I keep denying it it may become true right? Before I could continue my thoughts I heard Mavis say "Bye Devvy, see you tonight text me the deets?" she kissed his cheek and he nodded.

He turned to me with a sly grin on his face. I guess he noticed that I was a bit pissed and said "Oh is little Shai Shai jealous?"
"No, I'm not. Im just pissed that you are crashing mine and Brads date. And your going out with my sworn enemy! Its totally against the best friend code!" I exlaim.
"What code? And so what? You don't choose who I date!"
"You don't choose who I date either! If you did I bet you it would be me and not that slut. Whatever your plan is its not gonna work Key." I say and get up from the lunch table to go to math.

But I catch Mavis talking to her friends in the hallway so I stop her.
"You better not be hanging out with Devan just to get a good fuck out of him. Because that's not gonna happen hunni. He isn't gonna waste his virginity on a slut like you." I say with a smirk on my face knowing everything I just said was the cold dark truth.
"Well at least my Daddy didn't get shot for dealing drugs and at least Devan likes me."

I deadpan her holding back tears. She brought up my dad, Today was the first day I tried going back to school. And she reminded me of the thing that is taking the liveliness away from me right now.
"Don't you dare bring my father into this." I say coldly with the lump in my throat growing.
"At least I don't have Daddy Issues loner." she smirked.

Before I knew it my fist collided with her jaw. I didn't know I did it at first, I don't know what came over me to do it either. I can already see the bruise coming through on her jaw. She looked at me wide eyed from the floor. I felt someones arms take me away from the scene. My eyes are blurred with the tears that I was holding back moments ago.

I am now home. No matter how much I try to hide it, I am still broken as ever. My dad is gone, the grief is real. I don't want to face this, but I have no choice. I get up from my bed and go to my jewelry box. I find one of his old rings that mum had given to me a few days ago.

I remember him wearing this all the time. The memories that were made whilst this ring was on his finger. Now, all I could think about is how am I going to be able to hold up at his funeral next week? I can't, I won't. I decide I cant hide from this. But that doesn't mean I won't let it affect me. I'm going to see my father in the state that I dreaded to ever see him in. Cold, pale, lifeless in a coffin while people sob over the death of him.

He was a good man that had done some bad things. But was never a bad man. I put the ring on, and I look up in the mirror and see someone in the background. Devan.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"I wanted to see if you were ok?"

"Well do you want a honest answer? No. I am not ok. And I will never be ok whenever my father's name is mentioned. You don't understand how it feels to lose someone Devan. You don't." I say with tears blurring my vision once again. I wipe them away like they are nothing. But they just keep falling.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"Just go Devan. I need to call Brad and tell him Its a double date." I say emotionless and open the door for him to leave.

Key To My Heart [Devan Key]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin