The Real Goodbye

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Shailenes POV:
I awake with Devan next to me cuddled up with Niall. Although the sight is adorable, I have to wake him up. We have a funeral to get ready for, the last time I went to a funeral it was Mari's. I shudder at the thought and the dream I had last night. That dream was mental its like she is showing me this herself.

I nudge Devan, and that doesn't wake him up. I am soon shaking him. And when that didn't work, I jump on him.

"What the fuck Shai?" he groans.

"We need to get up and get ready! We have a 'I hate the word' to attend." I remind him.

He rolls over and rubs his eyes, he looks at me and sticks out his bottom lip like a child begging for something.

"I have a headache." he whines.

"Good for you, now get up!"

"You know what would make me feel better?" he asks.

"What?" I groan,

"A kiss!" he closes his eyes and puckers his lips.

I shove my stuffed monkey in his face and he laughs. He finally decides to get up.


As I am putting on the black dress I had purchased a week ago, I think. Without dad, I wouldn't have life. Without dad, I wouldn't have a sister. Without dad, I wouldn't have a home. Without dad, I wouldn't have a car. Without dad, I wouldn't have many things. Now that he is gone the things he gave me, I shall never take for granted.

I hear a knock on my bedroom door which caught my attention. I walk out of the bedroom to find that it was Devan and Collins.

The sight of them all dressed up made me smile.

I finish straightening my hair in the bathroom about 10 minutes later. I make sure to wear waterproof mascara because I know the tears will come.  When I finish up I go make sure OakLeigh and mum are ready.

They both were, thank God.

Mum was very upset when I see her but she has a right to. I don't think she ever thought she would have to attend her husbands funeral at this age. But, life happens, I hate life when it happens. One day everything could be perfect, you go to sleep that night and wake up to every thing being gone.

I feel someones arm snake around my waist, I didn't have to look I knew it was Devan.

"You ready?" he asks,

"Well I am ready to go, but not ready for the emotions to come."

"Nicely worded." he says impressed.

We hear my mum yell "I'm leaving! Meet us there!" from downstairs.

That was our cue, we went into the kitchen to eat. But I didn't feel like eating. I pick at my food and end up tossing it.

When we arrive at the church, every one is quietly conversating. There aren't many because my family isn't that big, and my dad didn't have many friends. They are all dressed in dark colors, with sad looks written on their faces. In the distance I can see a casket on the stage, my breathing stops when I see it.

I feel my palms become sweaty, my knees get weak, my breathing becomes irregular. I can feel myself getting dizzy, I'm holding back tears that are causing me to choke. I fall to my knees and my world goes dark.


I wake up on a row of chairs still in the church building. With Devan and mum hovered over me.

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