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I entered class and saw my math teacher talking with Jaebum. Why was he here?

Mr. Chae: Ah! Jinyoung, just who I need right now, come here son.

I slowly make my way towards the desk, without looking at Jaebum at all.

Me: How can I help you, Mr. Chae?

Mr. Chae: Well, since you're the smartest in.. basically all my classes... I'd love if you'd help the... worst in all my classes. This is Im Jaebum, in case you don't know each other.

Me: Um sir... I do know him... very well we've been together since elementary and.. well he's a Junior, how is a freshman like me supposed to help?

Mr. Chae: Oh son trust me, even I wonder how is it that you're smarter than a Junior... he's the only junior I have in my classes and I really want him to pass already.

I sighed and looked over at Jaebum who was starring at my ass while biting his lower lip. I'm going to choke him.

Me: Can I uh... get something in return?

Mr. Chae: Yes I was actually going to take this as your homework assignment until the next test. So you don't have to do what I assign the class but rather teach Jaebum and get him to pass the final exams.

Me: But Mr. Chae... I don't like being with this guy like.. we don't get along at all

Mr. Chae: Jinyoung... please? I really don't want Mr. Im here again next year.

I sighed and nodded before I went to take my seat, he grabbed my arm before I could keep walking.

Jaebum: See you at my house later

He kissed my neck and I pushed him away. I still don't know why my dumb ass is letting him fuck me. I mean I couldn't lie, I did enjoy it... it was pleasing. But I should be looking for my soul mate instead of fucking around with a guy I don't even like.

Youngjae: So.. now you're gonna be with Jaebum... everyday?

I nodded and continued eating, Yugyeom and Bam weren't with us since they had gone to the library to do some research on a report they have to do. Suddenly a tray slammed on the other side of us and it was Jaebum with Sammy.

Jaebum: Hey Jinyoung

I didn't even turn to look at him and continued talking with Youngjae.

Me: Sadly yes but, don't worry I'll still help you with your studies

I noticed Youngjae was scared, looking down at his food while glancing once in a while at Jaebutt and Sammy.

Sammy: Damn, so rude. And here I thought we were the bad boys, where are those manners Jinyoung?

I groan and look at both.

Me: Well hello, Jaebum, Sammy, would you like me to get a speaker and microphone to announce your presence to the canteen?

Jaebum: Ok ok, calm the fuck down. I just want to know when you're coming over to my house, I have to see if I'll actually be there or not.

Me: If you want after school, 2:40 or later on if you're busy.

Jaebum: Nah 2:40 is fine, I'll wait for you outside by the gate since I get out earlier.

I nod and stare at him.

Me: You done? Can you leave now?

Jaebum: Okayy, damn sorry prince for bothering you

He said sarcastically, I rolled my eyes and both idiots left. A girl then sits in front of us and stares while she smiles at Youngjae and I.

Me: Um, can we help you?

??: Are you Jinyoung?

Me: Um.. yea?

??: Sorry... are you busy right now?

Me: Well no but.. who are you?

Katie: Right, sorry I though maybe you knew me. I'm Katie, Jeffs girlfriend?

Me: Um? Jaebums friend?

She nods and drinks her water.

Me: Look if he sent you because Jaebum wants to annoy me more then please le-

Katie: Nah not at all, I just want to meet the guy that's been fucking Jaebum over

Youngjae: Wait what?

Katie: Well Jaebums been a little different lately. Don't know if you've noticed but he barely bothers anyone anymore... when we go out as a group the guys bother him a lot about a Jinyoung sooooooo I wanted to meet you. I saw him here a while ago with Sammy and so.. I needed to see if it was you.

Me: I'm pretty sure that whatever is going on with Jaebutt has nothing to do with me

Katie: Aw look at that, even got cute nicknames for each other!

Me: You find Jaebutt a cute name?

Katie: Well no... but still, why think about a nickname for someone you don't care about?

Youngjae: But Jinyoung has many nicknames for a lot of the girls in this school... pretty mean ones

Katie: .... ugh... but like... never mind then

Just then another girl sits beside her, she smiled at us before looking at Katie.

??: I was looking for you everywhere!

Katie: Aish shut up... look. I want you to meet Jinyoung and Youngjae?

Youngjae: How do you know my name?

Katie: I've heard Jinyoungs best friend is Youngjae.. since you're the only one with him right now I'm guessing it had to be you

He nods and finishes his juice.

Katie: Anyway this is my younger sister, Espy.

The girl smiles at us again.

Espy: Nice to meet you guys

Me: I just want to say that Jaebum doesn't like me or anything like that. So please... leave me alone. Besides, he's going to find his soul mate and I'm going to find mine.

Katie: Maybe you can help him? His tattoo i-

Me: No... I don't want to so please...

I get up and walk away from the table with Youngjae following after me.


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