In Her Memories

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"Do you think she's okay?" Jules asked Yuan as she nervously nibbles the skin on the side of her fingernails.

"Calm down Jules..." Yuan rested her head on his chest as he embraced her in his arms.

Yuan embraced Jules tightly as the two of them stood just outside a curtained hospital bed, inside was Nicole being checked by a doctor and some nurses.

30 minutes after, the doctor came out of the curtained hospital bed at the Emergency Area, the nurse that was assisting him pulled aside the curtains. Nicole appears in the view, resting on the bed.

Jules hurriedly stood up and approached the doctor.

"How's my aunt?" she asked.

"Well, she have had difficulty swallowing her food that's why she started choking earlier. Good news is, she's fine now. But I'm afraid that there is also a bad news..." the doctor explained as he adjusts his spectacles.

"What is it?" Jules and Yuan asked.

"I've observed that your aunt is showing some signs of Alzheimer's disease. It is not common for people on her age to have those, so it looks like it's not due to old age but maybe because of her genes. One of the signs was her having difficulties swallowing. But not only that, while I was talking to her earlier... I've observed that she tends to forget things that she just said. It might really be Alzheimer's or it might be due to old age. But both has no treatment to stop it, however we'll try our best to slow down the progress. I haven't fully observed how fast her disease affects her, but I'm sure that it is progressive and it will continue on to get worse as time passes by." The doctor explained.

"Then what do we have to do? What kind of treatment? Is there anything that I can do to help her fight it? Please tell me there's something that I can do..." Jules' tears slowly escaped from her eyes as she continues on to asking the doctor.

"Well there are some treatments that we can do to help slow down the progress of the disease, but I'm afraid there is no cure for it. As for you, I'm afraid the only thing that you can do to help her is to help her keep her memories. I'm really sorry for bringing down this news to you Miss Yi. Please excuse me for now but I've got a next patient to attend to... sorry Miss Yi," the doctor said before leaving off to another hospital bed at the Emergency Area.

Jules stood there frozen, Yuan hugs her as she sniffled in silence, crying as she thought of her aunt.

Nicole woke up just after the doctor left, and she was right there staring, glancing at her niece who was in tears as she was being hugged by Yuan.


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