"Let's go to my place", she suggested. I quickly shot a text to my parents telling them and followed Jennie to her house. Once we got there, it was dark and eerily quiet. Then, she turned on the light and I was greeted with the surprise of a lifetime.

In front of me, was my best friends. They threw a bunch of confetti at me, while some popped poppers. There was a banner that said 'Sorry Arin!' and a bunch of food under it. It was crazy. I started crying again, but this time, they were happy tears. Everyone did a big group hug and then we all sat on the couches and ate our food. It took me a while to calm down and I was still crying by the time we were eating food. 

We talked for a while, everyone apologizing and trying to comfort me, and then we watched a movie. On the couch that was left of the tv, sat Vernon, Jennie, Wonwoo, Lisa, Minghao, Seungkwan, and Jihyo. On the right side couch sat Hoshi, Rose, Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Tzuyu, and Lee Chan. In the middle couch sat me, Woozi, Dahyun, Dokyeum, Jisoo, Seungcheol, and Mingyu.

For some reason, we watched Fifty Shades Darker, which caused a really awkward atmosphere. During the sex scenes (which were really kinky), the younger ones covered their eyes and the older guys watched them in cringe (but I'm pretty sure they secretly liked it).

Occasionally, I would hear the girls yell at their boyfriends for being perverts and it caused the rest of us to crack up. We're friends again, I thought, and it caused me to tear up a bit. When the movie ended, everyone continued to joke around and talk just like what happened on Saturday. Then suddenly, a hand grabbed me and pulled me outside in the midst of a bunch of 15-19-year-olds partying on a Monday.

When I looked at that persons face, I realized it was Tzuyu."What do you want?", I asked.

 "Look, I'm not gonna play that 'jealous girlfriend out to get you' shit so listen up. I'm moving to Taiwan on Winter Break. Tell Jun that I'm sorry for cheating on him."

"Why should I? Why are you moving", I asked.

"Before I started attending school here, my parents already told me that we would move around this time. I'm getting an arranged marriage. But the thing is, during my stay here, I fell in love with Jun, but knowing that we'd never be together forever, I decided that it would be okay to screw around. I'm sorry. To you and Jun. It might mean nothing now and I don't blame you if you don't believe or forgive me, but I just wanted to explain my actions. Thank you for being a good friend to him.", She said.

That completely left me in shock. She actually loved him but knowing that she'd never had a chance, she toyed with other guys so she'd forget about him. She wasn't as much of a bitch as I thought she was. I... kinda feel bad for her, so I gave her a hug. "I forgive you."

She looked so shocked when I pulled away and saw her face, but eventually, her face turned into a smile. An actually, legitimate, genuine, smile. "Thank you. Seriously. I appreciate it.", she said and walked back into the house. Something tells me that there's a good side in Tzuyu. 

I feel like I'm not gonna be the one who told him she was cheating.

 I somewhat trust her to do it.

By 11 p.m. everyone was gone besides me, Jun, Jennie, and Vernon. Tzuyu confessed to Jun and they broke up on good terms. Finally. Jeez, a break up 2 days in a row. Everything was coming back just like a pinwheel.

 "So...what are you two?", Vernon asked. "Best friends!", Jun and I replied in unison. "Ya know, we started off like that too.", Jennie said. Then Vernon wrapped an arm around her shoulder and added, "But it escalated and now we're lovers", causing Jennie to blush and me and Jun to laugh awkwardly. 

"Well, we're most likely not gonna escalate from out best friend title, right Arin?", Jun asked while wrapping his arms around my shoulder. In all honesty, my heart sank a bit from his remark. But nonetheless, I was feeling flirty. "Most likely", I said and winked at him, causing him to look shocked and the couple in front of us to smirk at each other. "Well anyways, it's getting really late, I'll head home.", I said. The couple nodded and after a few hugs, Jun offered to walk me home and I agreed.

[A/N- Next part is a dialogue ^.^ A=Arin & J=Jun]

J- Hey, Arin?

A- Wassup?

J- Do you like anyone? 

I thought for a moment, then replied.


{ Cliff Hanger!~}

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