Me: 7+2? Hitler: NINE

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Does anyone listen to the songs I put or should I go back to pictures and YouTube videos?

S  A  M

We all sat in silence, looking towards the door.

"Did that come from the closet?"

"I don't know."

"Should we say goodbye?"

A resounding, "YES!"

We moved the plachette to goodbye and backed away from the Ouija board.

"Dude that freaked me out so bad," Brennen said.

"Yeah, I know. That was worse than the others, because all of those were on the other side of the front door. This one was inside."

"Don't say that Sam!" Brennen said, covering half his face.

"I gotta go to the bathroom." Colby said.

We all looked at him weirdly. "We just heard a demon and that's the first thing you say?" Elton said incredulously.

Colby shrugged and walked to the bathroom. We watched him go and looked at eachother. 

"Do you think he's okay?" I asked.

"I don't know, but I'm slightly more worried about the giant crash we heard over there..." Elton nodded towards the door, and Brennen agreed. 

We crept over there with camera to check it out. My heart pounded as Brennen grabbed the handle of the closet and pulled it open. We all sighed in relief once we saw there was nothing there.

"Bro, I was half expecting something to leap out at us!" I said.

"Yeah me too."

We walked back to the main room slowly and heard coughing.

"Is that Colby?" I asked, walking towards the bathroom.

"Yo, you good, brother?" Brennen asked.

He sounded like he was trying to throw up. "Oh shit." We heard through the door.

"Hey, are you okay?" My concern was met with more guttural coughing and an "Oh man."

A couple seconds later, he opened the door, rubbing his forehead. "I was trying to throw up, but nothing came out."

"Dude that's so weird." Brennen said into the camera. 

"It's probably nothing, we should just keep going." Colby said, closing the bathroom door behind him. 

"You sure you're good?" I asked, trying not to sound too concerned cause the camera was on.

He looked at me directly. "Yeah, I'm fine." 

I nodded and we went back into the main room.

Colby decided to film his video, DMing scary instagrams, so we all sat down with him. He and Brennen joked about Bob Halligan and made up the funniest things to DM the accounts. There were quite a few clowns, some taxidermists, and a vampire who kept responding to Colby. 

Halfway through, I could tell something was wrong. He looked beat, and wasn't his usual crazy YouTube I'm-probably-on-crack self. He kept on smiling and shouting, but I knew it was artificial. 

I knew he'd kill me if I said anything, so I just silently tapped my ankle with his to show at least a little sign of support. Just let him know I'm here. 

Finally, the video was finished and Colby's camera was turned off. But of course, Elton just had to turn his camera on. 

"Okay boys, ready for an overnight?" 

"In a second Elton, I gotta wash my hands." I came up with the only excuse I could think of.

"Ooookay?" He said.

I knew he knew something was up, so I just grabbed Colby's hand instead of being subtle and dragged him into the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I asked immediately.

"Woah, woah. Don't get your feathers in a twist."

"Colbyyy. I know something's wrong! Are you still feeling sick?" I whined.

He sighed and his outer armor crumbled, leaving him looking tired and a little pale. "Sorry, Sam. I don't feel very good. I never really felt better after trying to throw up, but I wanted to film my video so much!" He closed his eyes.

"Hey, it's fine. But you need to take a break if you're not feeling up to it! We should go home." I said, hugging him.

He pushed away. "No! Elton needs to make his video sti-"

"Then give him some clickbait! Tell him you're sick and we can go home." I smiled, and he smiled back.

"Okay Sam. You win." 

I held up my fist, then hugged him again. "Thanks Colby."

We walked out and Elton was recording Brennen talking about the things that had previously taken place. 

"Hey, Elton." I said, walking up. He turned around and pointed the camera at Colby and I.

"We gotta go home." 

"Why, are you guys getting cold feet?" He chuckled.

"No, Colby's still feeling really sick. I don't know what's wrong, but I mean, he was trying to throw up earlier."

"Oh yeah, that's right." He said, for the benefit of his viewers. "I guess you can opt out of this one... But you're coming next time!" 

Colby laughed a little. "Okay Uncle."

We grabbed our things and headed out, through the creepy elevator and past the front desk. We went to call an uber, since Elton drove here and we'd left our car at Brennens. Oddly enough, our phones wouldn't load. So we walked to our car. 

Colby snapchatted us walking, because it was bizarre that our phones just suddenly stopped. About halfway to our cars, he started coughing again. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. He handed me his phone and gagged. "Colby."

He walked to the side of the sidewalk near the bushes and put his hands on his knees.

"Colby? Are you going to throw up?" I patted his back and he nodded. 

I glanced around quickly, and saw that the Roosevelt hotel was still visible behind us. 

Whatever is in that hotel, it wanted us to stay.

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