1. Introductions

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I've seen him in the halls every day now, and I want to say hi but... he's popular and I'm just a loser who has no parents and got into this private school by luck. I have no friends, no home, and I'm depressed. Why would he ever want to...

"Hey, you don't look like you know where you're going, want some help?" a sultry voice meets my ears from behind me. I turn around and find myself face-to-face with the same person I was talking to myself about. "Hello? Earth to new kid!" I snap out of my daze and look up to meet his eyes.

"H-hi Gavin," I stutter, backing up a couple steps. His long brown hair is tied up in a pony tail, his thick nerdy glasses resting on his nose in front of his eyes. Those eyes, so mysterious, I sigh to myself. They are dark like the night but have flecks of purple in them.

"So, do you want help or not little lost kitten?" he asks, his voice bright with laughter. I nod and follow him. Maybe now I won't be late for class trying to find my way, I mutter in my head. "So, I heard you got into this school by luck," Gavin says in attempt to start up a conversation.

"Yeah. I have really good marks, but I didn't have the money due to the fact that I am homeless and that I lost my parents when I was little," I reply, tears threatening to fall. Gavin looks at me and wraps an arm around me.

"How did they... if you don't mind me asking." I look up to him in amazement. Most people just leave at this point, never asking if I was OK or who my parents were.

"W-well," I begin, calming my tears. "When I was five years old a murderer broke into our house and murdered my parents in their bed. I can still remember their screams of terror. When the killer came to my room I hid in a toy box so he couldn't find me, and he didn't." I look up, teary eyed, to Gavin who looks at me with pity.

"That's horrible!" He cries. After talking for a couple more minutes the bell rings. "Well, I have to go. I'll meet you outside your class after OK?" I nod as he starts to walk away. "Oh yeah, I never caught your name."

"Dexter," I say to him. "Dexter Morgan."

Dexter! I love the show so I thought I'd use his name and a twist on his backstory to make it a little different for this short story. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the first one, 'cause there's plenty more to come!

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