Chapter 22- What?

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shut up and kiss me.



Noah's jaw was dropped and hanging into a smile.

"That kiss was pretty bad." Finn laughed, "I would've hugged you or something if I wasn't tied to a chair."

Finn suddenly began to fell really bad about his decision when he saw Nora's blank face. Noah worriedly glanced at his sister. He pulled out his phone, very discreetly. She finnaly spoke.

"My own handiwork ruined my first kiss." She muttered, bending down to untie his ankles. 

Once Finn was freed, Nora put a hand out. Finn took it and she helped him stand. Noah was opening the camera app and trying to pick a filter. Nora smiled. "Let's try that again."

"Seriously? I thought you hated it..."

"No! Just a little shocked. That's all. Now, shut up and kiss me."


Finn tilted his head down and pressed his lips to hers. This was way better than anything with Sadie. Her hand wrapped around his neck, and his around her waist. 

Then a camera flashed.

"WHAT THE CRAP, NOAH!" Nora screamed.

"THIS IS GOING IN THE PHOTO ALBUM." Noah yelled back. Nora blushed like crazy.

"I'll kill you if you post that anywhere, because Sadie will kill me."

Finn remembered Sadie and sighed. He started pacing. "What do we do?"

Noah started thinking. "We..."

"I have no idea, but don't stress yourself Noah. I know thinking doesn't come naturally to you."

Finn snorted. Noah muttered: "not funny. Not funny at all."

Nora sighed and leaned on her mom's desk, her hand landing on a highlighter. She picked it up and twirled it around in her fingers. 

Noah looked at Finn. "Call her."

"Right now, Noah? Are you INSANE?"

"You won't have to deal with it tomorrow if you deal with it today."

"True. What should I tell her?"

The twins each had many different answers.

"Tell her you don't feel the spark anymore."

"Tell her she's a crazy weirdo and you don't need that influence."

"Tell her you're not right for eachother."

"Tell her that she's a big fat bully and you don't need that influence."

"Tell her that you've moved on and that it wasn't working."

"Tell her that she's a rude, bad-girl and you don't need that influence."


Finn shook his head. "That's enough, and frankly, I liked all of them."

"Even mine?" Nora laughed, "those were jokes."

"Yeah, of course!" Finn smiled. "Okay, I'm calling her."

He plopped down in an armchair and turned on his phone. Sadie's name wasn't in his recents, so he had to scroll down to the S section. After one ring she picked up.

"Hey, Finnie!"

"Listen, Sadie. We need to-"

"Talk? Yeah. I have something to say too."

"Oh." Finn glanced at Nora. She shrugged. "You go first."

"Okay, so I really think you shouldn't be hanging out with Nora. She's a weirdo, a bully, and a bad girl, and you don't need that kind of influence."

Nora looked offended.

"Yeah... Sadie, about that... I'm not going to stop hanging out with Nora, and I'm not going to stop hanging out with any of my friends that you don't like."

"Finnie, where is this coming from?!"

"Sadie, I'm breaking up with you. It's not you! I just don't feel the spark anymore. We're just not right for eachother, and this relationship wasn't working out anyway."

"What? Finnie! NO-"

"Sorry Sadie."

And with that, he hung up.

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