Introduction (edited)

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So, this story has just about reached it's two year anniversary which is pretty epic! I'm not all that active on wattpad anymore, and after rereading it...

Jesus, this is cringy! I would go back and edit or re-write it, but people seem to actually like this hormonal mess twelve year old me wrote? What's your opinion. Would you guys like this to be re-written or even just tweaked? Drop me a comment or maybe slide into my inbox. Some people still read this, so I'd love to know!

What this terrible, rant filled intro was before I edited it, was basically a description of the character I'd created when I was new to the fandom and high oblivious.

Her name's Nora Schnapp and she's Noah's twin. yes'm, I know he has a twin already, but for the sake of dreams, let it be) she's described as the story progresses, so you'll pick up on that. Or maybe imagine her looking like you, or imagine yourself in her shoes! It's all up to you- the reader.

Anyways, carry on and bring your cringe bucket or whatever. You're in for a wild ride, children of god.

On Set {{Finn Wolfhard x OC}}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon