Chapter 17- Ouch

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Nora ran along the concrete, playing her charachter, Katherine. She heard the sound effect that signaled the 'monster', she grunted, and kept running.

Sweat was pouring down her face as she ran along. The Duffers made the signal for her to 'look back' and she did, but when she did, her fell.

Unfortunately, shorts were part of her costume.

Nora came tumbling to the ground, and felt her knee slide against the concrete just as her chin whacked against the concrete.

"Cut, cut! Nora, are you okay?"

Said one of the Duffs. She stood up, and dusted of her shorts, her entire leg and chin stinging and throbbing intensely. Nora looked down at her knee and thick red liquid was slowly oozing from it. She wiped her chin, and her entire left hand had a red streak down it.

"I think not. Could I get a band-aid?"

"Sure, ten minute break!"

A medical assistant brought her two bandaids, and she limped over to the cast with an unpleasant look on her face.

Nora undid the bandaids, and soon a conversation erupted.

"That was a pretty bad fall, Nora. Are you okay?"

"Do you think she looks okay, Gaten?"

"No. You don't gotta be rude Caleb."

Finn sighed and grinned at her.

"I fell down the basement steps during one shoot if it makes you feel better."

Nora just imagined twelve year old Finn falling down the steps and laughed a bit.

"Yeah, it does."

Nora proceeded to put the bigger, square, bandaid on her knee, but when she got to the regular one for her chin she couldn't' quite get it in the right spot.



"Could you tell me when I get this bandaid over my chin?"

"Sure. Okay, to the right a bit. No no... your too far forward. Wait no, that's too far back. To the left- okay, just let me do it."

 She looked at him for a bit, trying not to blush. He grinned that heart melting grin again and Nora realized that she had to let him help. Nora sighed and gave him the bandaid. He held her chin back and gently put the band-aid on.


"What're friends for?"

Nora's smile faded a bit at the friends part.

Because that's all they were. Right?

(A/N) Sorry for the other short chapter, but my summer art camp started today and it takes up a lot of time in my day. There might be short, cruddy chapters for a day, so now I'll only update when the most recent chap has 20 reads. ((700 views!? THATS CRAAAAAZY!))

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