Connection (pt. 2)

Start from the beginning


"I can't choose for you."

"Choose the needle." Theo spoke up, Stiles turned to him,

"It's easy for you to say, you're not the one having a needle go into your neck."

"Wait, what if he can?"

"What?!" Theo exclaimed,

"What do you mean?" Scott asked,

"You said it will leave both of us if one of us gets it taken out, Theo can take my place."

"Why?" Theo nervously chucked,

"You can handle the pain, you're not actually a werewolf but you can still handle the pain, I can't."

"That's not going to work." Stiles sighed, I looked at him, asking him to explain,

"You'll still feel the pain, you're both connected." I let out a defeated sigh and pulled my feet up on the table, laying back down,

"Okay, I'll just do it." I shakily said,

"Are you sure? We can go to the hospital and have my mom do it." Scott questioned, walking over next to me, I shook my head,

"She's probably busy. It's a hospital. Deaton I'm ready." I moved my hair away from my neck and turned my head, letting Deaton see the puncture wound. He walked over with a chair and sat next to me, positioning the table.

"I can take your pain while he does it." Scott stated. I didn't waste a breathe and grabbed his hand. He gave it a slight squeeze.

"Ready?" Deaton spoke, I nodded. I looked at Theo, he stood in the corner watching, with worry written all over his face, Stiles grabbed my free hand and gave it a squeeze. I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes,

"This part won't hurt." I heard Deaton say. I heard as he took off the protective cap over the actual needle. I felt the needle make its way into my neck,

"This will hurt, You have to stay absolutely still, any wrong moves and the needle will break into you neck."

"Okay." "Scott and Stiles, push her shoulders down, Theo, her legs." I felt Stiles and Scott place their hands on my shoulders, ready to hold me down if needed.

Theo placed his hands around my ankles, giving them a light squeeze,

"Okay, here it goes." I closed my eyes and sucked in all the air I could to hold myself back from screaming. The pain was unbelievable, but I didn't budge, I didn't make a sound, I bit my tongue.

I heard Theo grunt, I opened my eyes and looked at him, seeing his eyes completely shut and biting his lip, the pain was way too strong for him too.

Stiles wiped away my tears that made their way down my cheeks. I looked up at him, seeing his eyes full of tears threatening to come out. I let out a scream as the pain became to much,

"Stop! Stop!" I yelled out,

"I'm almost done."

"She said stop!" Stiles yelled at Deaton,

"Done!" Deaton spoke, pulling the needle out,

"Did it work?" Scott asked, helping me sit up,

"Let's test it, Theo come here." Deaton called, picking up a scalpel.

Theo sighed and walked over to him, extending his arm towards Deaton. Deaton grabbed Theo's arm and made an incision. I felt a sting, I looked down at my arm to see the same incision, I looked at Stiles,

"It didn't work." I quietly spoke,

"The substance is too far into her system, I barely picked any out." Deaton spoke, showing us what was inside the syringe. It was more blood than the white liquid those psychotic doctors put into me and Theo,

"Is there anything else you can do?" Theo asked Deaton, Stiles rolled his eyes,

"Seeing as none of us here like you, you can leave now." Deaton spoke, Theo walked out of the room and left the clinic.

Deaton turned to me, "Jaylen, We can do this the surgical way."

"No, she's not going to be cut into just to find a poison in her body."

"Technically, there still is poison in my body, remember when I first went to the doctors and Melissa said there was still poison i - "

"Yeah, Yeah I remember." Stiles cut me off,

"There is another procedure that can be done" Deaton interrupted, we all looked at him,

"Tell us."

"What is it?"

"Which is?" Scott, Stiles and I all spoke at the same time,

"You can ask the Dread Doctors."

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