Chapter 4

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Lance was abruptly awoken by a pair hands making their way up and down his upper and lower back, instantly chilling his spine. He shuddered in response, only earning a hearty chuckle from Lotor, the person who the hands clearly belonged to.

"Good morning, Lance." Lotor purred, snaking his arms completely around Lance's torso, pulling them closer together. He continued, sincerity in his tone, "I have a lot to do today, therefore, you also have a lot to do today." Lance's head bobbed, he was extremely uncomfortable, but as always, he didn't dare say a word.

Then, swiftly, Lotor released the Altean prince, before changing into battle gear and indicating, with a lazy hand gesture, where Lance's clothes for the day were. "Shower and get dressed for the day," Lotor said tediously, practically already out the high-tech door.

After Lance was completely sure Lotor wasn't anywhere near his dormitory, he flopped backwards onto the bed, having sat up to see Lotor out; feeling defeated. "God, I hate this." He groaned, turning angrily before deciding to freshen up for the day.

Surprisingly, the clothing that awaited Lance when he got out of the shower wasn't at all demeaning, or aggravating. Instead, neatly folded, laid attire fit for an Altean prince, scratch that, it was in fact Altean garments. Down to the slightly puffed sleeves, 'Where the hell did Lotor even find this?' Lance questioned, putting on the not so comfortable, but very nostalgic clothing items.

When he was done, Lance twirled in the shower mirror, memories trickling into his line of vision as he did so.

Lance pondered, slightly light-headed from the twirling and lack of food. He could admit, seeing himself all dressed up again warmed the depths of his inner self whilst he bore his eye into his own stare; steam from the shower still fogging the mirror, but all Lance saw was old Lance, not filthy, disposable Lance.

He sighed sadly, walking out of the heated bathroom before he would allow himself to think any further. When he walked back into the room, it was apparent it had been cleaned spotless, all the decorations Lance had knocked over or destroyed, were either replaced or repositioned; everything was immaculate.

It honestly pissed Lance off. So, with a roll of his eyes, he marched over to Lotor's elegantly organized bookshelf, threw off all the books in a fit of rage.

Lance could acknowledge, acting out was childish, but he couldn't give a shit anymore; he was stuck on a ship, he was alone, and a sex slave, fuck etiquette.

After his mess was made, he plopped onto the bed, no guilt residing within him whatsoever. Lance just sat on Lotor's satin sheets in his perfectly fitted suit, hoping he was ready for anything the world felt like throwing at him that day.

Keith wasn't exactly in the mood to calmly discuss things while Lance was stuck with some sex driven maniac, alone and most likely afraid. Once again, Keith hardly knew him, but his stomach coiled and knotted at the thought of anything bad happening to him.

"Shiro, I get this attack plan isn't the most well planned or anything like that, but shit man, let's just get Lance out of there!" Keith argued, slamming his fist on the table in frustration. Allura really resonated with Keith on this, however she couldn't ask her teammates to put themselves in danger, especially for personal matters.

Allura pondered for a moment before quickly adding to the topic, "Keith and I can go as a solo mission, so no one will be in danger except those who are willing to deal with that." She concluded, placing her hand on the already very mistreated table. "No, that cannot happen. Voltron sticks together, but I realize this is very important to you, Lura, therefore, it's a priority for the team. Can we all agree on that?" Shiro stated, the softness of his tone warming his fellow teammates insides.

They all nodded in unison, deciding "Operation save Lance" would be a go in mere minutes, everyone hurrying towards their dormitories to suit up. Allura smiled gratefully to her boyfriend before leaving, kissing his cheek softly on the tip of her toes.

Lance didn't know how long he had been stuck on the ship, Lotor never having stopped by to remind him of the fact he had no way out until he made a way out, which was confusing because he was sure Lotor would have him at his hand and foot all day. Instead, Lance just paced around the room, cursing in Altean, trying to figure why his captor wasn't pestering him.

As if on que, the bedroom doors slid open and Lotor's malevolent aura once again invaded the space, anything that was alive probably wilting at the mere sight of him. "Lance, my dear, I see you are wearing the garments I got you. Nice, aren't they? It wasn't easy to obtain them." Lotor lulled, taking annoyingly large steps around Lance, dancing around him if you will.

Then he continued, still dancing and not even giving Lance a chance to comment. "I'm glad you like them. Anyways-" Suddenly, Lotor's arms had slithered their way onto Lance's torso, Lance bit back a gasp and let Lotor do as he pleased, Lance couldn't be weak in front of him. "We must go to the central command, I'm sure you won't mind joining me." Lotor whispered, biting Lance's left ear just enough to make him wince in agony, definitely leave a bruise, and probably draw blood.

"Please, save me." Lance whispered, breathless from mental exhaustion. 

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