Mine (Chapter 20)

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OMG guys it's the twentieth chapter! I'm so proud of this book! An 1,400 reads! Like that's insane! I never thought I would get that many reads! Thank y'all so much!

Ok ok now to the book! Couldn't wait to update!

Ashlyn's POV:

I walked upstairs and started to pack up Ryder's things. Once I was done I took everything downstairs and went back up for mine and Cameron's stuff.

I heard the front door open and loud footsteps.

The gang is here.

I was getting furious by the thought of them.

How could they do this to me?

Did they not see how happy I was without Jason?

I went down stairs an saw all the boys standing up not saying a word. That made me mad even more.

"You fucking bastards!" I yelled at them. I was about to punch Chaz in the face but Cameron I grabbed me and pulled me back.

"How could you do this to me? I was happy! I was finally happy! I made a life for myself!" I said crying.

"Ashlyn I'm so sorry." Chaz said walking torward me.

Cameron put me behind him. "Don't you even fucking touch her again." He yelled in his face.

"How could y'all do this to us? I thought we were brothers?" Cameron said to the guys.

They all looked shameful. Head hanging low not saying a word.

"We didn't know Jason was alive. When we got back to the house it was burnt to the ground. We looked for all three of y'all but you two weren't there. We found a burnt body and so we knew it was Jason's. That's when we knew what happened. So we tracked Ashlyn down and found y'all." Ryan said.

"And how'd Jason find y'all?" I asked not looking at them.

"We were at the meeting building just hanging out when Jason walked into the room. And told us what were gonna get you two back and the baby. Or if we didn't he was gonna shoot us right then and there." Nick said.

"Call Jason and tell him were coming." I said emotionless.

"What? Your not gonna fight it?" Chaz said.

"What's the point?" I asked. "He's just gonna keep coming after me. Every time I run he's gonna be running after me. He's not gonna stop. He won't ever stop, he'll always be one step ahead of me." I said annoyed.

"So just call Jason and tell him we'll be there tomorrow at noon." I said and walked upstairs to pack the rest of the stuff.

~ The next day ~

Ashlyn's POV:

I woke up mad. Today's the day my life will be shit again.

I got up and took a shower and did my morning routine. It was around 10 so I decided to cook breakfast for Cameron and I one last time.

I picked up Ryder and took him downstairs to feed him too. As I was cooking I heard Cameron walk downstairs.

He put his hands around my waist and hugged me from behind. I turned around and brought him closer to me. I started to cry knowing my life is over.

"I don't want this to end cam." I said crying.

"I don't either, we were finally free. Free and happy." He said kissing my forehead.

I sighed and turned around finishing up breakfast.

When it was finally done Cameron set the table and we started to eat. As we were finishing we heard the doorbell ring. I got up and walked over to it thinking Jason was early.

But to my surprise it wasn't him. It was my bestfriend since pre k.


"Jessica?" I asked not believing it.

"Ashlyn? Is that you? Is it really you?" She asked.

I pulled her into a bone crushing hug. "Yes it's me! Jessica I missed you so much!" I said starting to cry.

"Oh god Ashlyn I missed you too!" She said crying also.

"Come in!" I said opening the door.

She walked in and immediately froze. I looked at what she was looking at and it was Cameron and Ryder.

"Jessica this is Cameron my boyfriend, and this is Ryder. My son." I said smiling.

"Awww oh mer gosh he is totes adorbs!" She said running over to him.

I laughed at her craziness.

We started talking and catching up when I noticed the time.

12:00 p.m.

"Umm Jessica I think you should go." I said standing up.

"What why? We were catching up!" She said as i walked her to the door.

As I opened the door my worst nightmare walked through the door.


No he can't see Jessica.

I shoved Jessica behind the door.

"Sorry Jess just stay there please." I said quietly.

"Well Ashlyn are you ready to go live our happy new life together?" Jason asked me.

I ignored him and walked past him.

He grabbed my arm pulling me back hard. I fell to the ground in pain.

I heard Jessica scream and I knew Jason did too. He walked over to the door and shut it close.

Jessica looked terrified. He grabbed her arm yanking her up. I quickly got to my feet an pulled him away from her.

"Don't touch her!" I yelled.

The gang walked in and so did Cameron. Cameron looked furious.

"Get me the cloth now." Jason said. I knew exactly what he was gonna do.

"Jason don't please! She has nothing to do with this! Let her go! Please!" I said.

"See baby I can't do that. Because she knows who I am now and she might run to the cops and tell them and they'll take you away from me." He said grabbing my face.

Alex walked in with the rag and handed it to Jason. Jason walked over to Jessica and grabbed her by her hair and shoved the cloth in her face.

"Breathe in bitch." Jason said.

She did as he said and I watched as she went limp. Ryan picked her up and took her to the van. The guys helped carry all our stuff to a van.

There were three vans. One for our stuff and two for all of us.

I got into the van that they put Jessica in. I got Ryder's seat cart and put him in it and sat on one side of him. Cameron sat on the other. Jason was driving, I saw his jaw clench and his knuckles turn white from him gripping the steering wheel.

I leaned back in my seat and looked out the window.

Here we go.

Off to hell.

So yay! I updated early! I couldn't wait any longer lol.

So you got introduced to 'Emilee' Ashlyn's bestfriend.

And Jason kidnapped her!!!

Oooh! What's gonna happen??





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