Mine (Chapter 2)

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Jason's POV:

Tonight's the night. I can't wait to take my baby home so we can live together forever.

I watched to make sure she got home ok after school. I noticed she was walking with her usual friends Amber, Jessica, Emilee, Kate.

They were laughing an giggling having a great time.

Ashlyn is having a big birthday bash tonight. I hope she has fun with her friends and family because she will never see them again.

I quickly got my phone out and sent a text to my baby

To: Gods Greatest Gift <3

See you tonight baby girl can't wait to get you ;) love always Jason.

I put my car in drive an speeded down the street. Gotta get ready to get my baby.

Ashlyn's POV:

I was walking with Amber, Jessica, Emilee, & Kate when I noticed the white lambo again.

I decided to ignore it this time. The girls came over to help me get ready for my party tonight. All my friends and family are gonna be there.

Since my house is two stories my parents hired a DJ for me. The Dj would set up upstairs right in front of the staircase that overlooks most of the house. They promised they would stay upstairs so I could have the whole downstairs to myself and the party.

The girls and I were getting ready when my phone suddenly vibrated.

"Better get that! Couldn't leave Logan waiting now can we?" Emilee joked. I'm more closer with Emilee then. Anyone else, I've known her longer an I trust her more.

"Ha ha ha your so funny" I said

From: Unknown

See you tonight baby girl can't wait to get you ;) love always Jason.

I've been getting these weird texts for awhile now from this Jason guy. I quickly deleted the text an shook the thought of him away. Tonight my night an nothing an no one will ruin it.

~At The Party~

The girls an I had just finished getting ready when our guests had arrived.

I was wearing a strapless little black dress that stopped mid thigh. It was tight an it hugged my curves. It was covered with rignstones on my boobs. I decided to let my hair be curly tonight. Emilee did a smokey eye effect to my eyes. An the rest was light makeup.

Emilee had on a gorgeous red dress that stopped mid thigh too. It was tight on the chest then it flowed out. She had on red pumps with light makeup an her hair curled like mine.

"Who's excited to turn 18?" Kate said.

"Is that even a question?" I answered back to her.


Jason's POV:

I had just gotten everything I needed when I noticed the time. "Shit I'm late" I said to myself.

I quickly got everything into the car an sped off towards my princess. Were gonna have a great life together.

Ashlyn's POV:

It was around 9:30 an all my family left. It was time for my friends an I to really party!

Emilee, Jessica, Amber, Kate, & I were in the middle of doing the wobble when I felt a chest to my back. I immediately knew who it was. "Hey baby" i said as I kissed his lips. "Hey, are you having fun?" he asked. "It was ok, but now your here to make it even funner." "I don't think 'funner' is a word." He said sarcastically. "My night my words" I said as I grabbed his hand an led him to the dance floor.

We danced all night. After 5 hours of dancing I was tired. It was now 2am an all of my guests had left.

I had just gotten out of the shower when I noticed my window was open. "I don't remember opening it" I said to myself.

I quickly got changed an put my hair in a braid since I was to tired too do anything with it. I was laying in bed when all of a sudden it hit me. Thirst. I didn't realize how thirsty I was until now.

I was walking down the stairs to get a drink of water when a cloth was out over my mouth an I was brought into a chest.

Jason's POV:

I watched as everyone left my baby's house. I quietly walked over to her window an climbed up her house into her window. I heard the water running and then stop. I ran into her walk in closet where she couldn't see me but I could see her. I watched her tie her hair into a braid an then get in bed.

I was gonna wait until she was asleep to make it easier but suddenly she got out of bed an went I to the hallway. Perfect. I said to myself.

I followed close behind her. As soon as she got onto the steps I took the cloth out of my pocket an put it on her mouth. I pulled her close to my chest. She was fighting it.

"Shhh baby just settle down. Just breathe in, that's all you have to do. Just breathe in." I cooed to her. I finally felt her body go limp. I carried her to my car set her inside and quickly ran back to her house. I grabbed a couple suitcases out of her closet an loaded one of them with clothes an the other with panties an bras an makeup an all the other girl stuff she needed.

I put everything in my car, got in, looked at my baby an sped off down to the rest of our lives.

Mine (1st Book)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant