Mine (Chapter 21)

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Ashlyn's POV:

Everyone was asleep in the car except for me and Jason. He tried to make small talk but I only said 'yeah' or 'ok'.

"Are we almost there? Like damn we've been traveling for hours." I complained.

"Why'd you leave me?" Jason asked which through me off guard.

"Why'd you leave me for Cameron?"

"He makes me happy. You don't. You kidnapped me, took me away from my family & friends. I won't ever forgive you for that." I said bluntly

"I just love you so damn much Ashlyn! How do you not see that?" He asked looking at me through the rear view mirror.

He wasn't looking at the road when he ran a stop sign.

"Jason!" I yelled as I saw two cars coming at us from both sides.

He slammed on his brakes but it was to late. We got hit twice.

Next thing I know everything went black.

Cameron's POV:

I was pretending to be asleep as I listened to Ashlyn and Jason's conversation. I was about to fall back asleep when Jason slammed on his brakes and I heard Ashlyn scream his name before we collided with two other vehicles.

I blacked out, but quickly regained conscious. I started panicking. I took off my seat belt and immediately checked on Ryder.

"No no no no no!" I yelled as I noticed my son wasn't breathing.

I quickly felt to see if Ashlyn had a pulse and she did. Thank god.

"Ashlyn baby, baby please wake up!" I said shaking her.

I heard the ambulances an police cars sirens. The gang got to the car an grabbed Jason and ran.

"Damn bastards!" I yelled at them.

"What happened?" Ashlyn asked waking up.

"Baby were in a car accident." I said.

Her eyes shot open and she went for Ryder.

"Whys he so pale?! Why isn't he breathing!" She yelled.

"Why isn't my baby breathing!" She yelled crying.

I grabbed her and held her.

"I don't know." I said honestly.

"Oh my god! He's dead! My sons dead! He didn't get a chance to live life!" She said

I couldn't stop crying. This was all Jason's fault. Our son is dead because of him.

The paramedics opened the doors to the van an helped us out. They took Ryder and tried CPR but nothing was happening.

Ashlyn had a sprained ankle. I was fine. We rode to the hospital in the ambulance while the police met us there.

"Sir are you prepared to answer some questions?" The police officer asked me.

"Yes." I said. I'm gonna tell them all about Jason.

"Who was driving the vehicle?" He asked.

"Jason McCann." I said bluntly.

The officer looked taken back.

"Did you just say Jason McCann? Americas most wanted criminal?" He asked

"Yes. He was trying to kidnap my girlfriend and our child but I got home so he took me too. He took his eyes off the road and ran a stop sign. He hit the brakes but it was too late the two cars collided with us. That bastard murderd my 3 month old son." I said through gritted teeth.

"Thank you that's all." He said and walked off.

As the officer walked off the doctor came to talk to me.

"Sir I'm sorry but we couldn't save your baby, his heart wasn't strong enough to handle the collision. And Ms. Reece is suffering from a state of shock." He said as he read from his clip board.

"What about the girl tied up? Jessica" I asked.

"She hit her head pretty hard it's gonna leave quiet a bruise for awhile but she should be fine." He said

"Where's Ashlyn?" I asked.

"Follow me." He said as he turned around and lead me to her room.

I walked in and saw her laying in a hospital bed with no expression on her face she was just staring blankly at the wall.

"Ashlyn?" I said

No answer.

"Jessica is gonna be ok. She just hit her head." I said trying to cheer her up but I knew it wasn't gonna work. We just lost our baby.

I sighed and got up and went to check on Jessica. I walked to her room an saw she was awake.

"Hey" I said as I walked in.

"Is Ashlyn ok? Is the baby ok?" She asked worriedly.

"Ashlyn's in shock and Ryder..didn't make it" I said with tear filled eyes

"OMG I'm so sorry!" She said.

"I would say it's ok but it's not. Jason has ruined everything again." I said.

"Ashlyn doesn't know about our past, does she?" She asked me.

"No she doesn't and she's not going too. I'm sorry for cheating on you with her Jess. I thought you didn't love me." I said sitting next to her holding her hand.

"I'll always love you Cameron. You were my first love and I'll never forget that. Maybe someday we'll have a future again. Just like we planned." She said smiling.

"Jess I moved on. I think you should do the same." I said

"But anyway after I'm finished with Jason he won't ever be able to harm anyone ever again." I said.

"What do you mean?" Jessica asked.

"I'm gonna kill Jason. And this time I'm gonna make sure he's dead." I said walking out of the room and out of the hospital.

This is gonna be the end of Jason.

Oooooh! Is this gonna be the end of 'Mine' or nah?


Poor Ashlyn & Cameron :(

Cameron is a cheater! Who seen that coming? I did ;) lol

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