Mine (Chapter 17)

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Cameron's POV:

I couldn't believe that little bitch Logan. Now we have to redecorate the whole house!

Ashlyn is 9 months pregnant already and she is due anytime. I've been trying to make her as comfortable as possible. I've been having to run to Walmart late at night lately.

Chaz has been taking care of her while I'm at work. He's been so good to us. Ashlyn loves him like a brother. They argue like brother an sister.

"That's ridiculous Ashlyn!" I heard Chaz yell from downstairs.

"No it's not!" She yelled back.

"Whatever." He sighed real loud.

I walked downstairs to see what they were arguing about this time.

"Ok ok ok what's wrong now?" I asked them.

"She wants to get a nose job." He said throwing his hands in the air.

I looked at her like she was crazy.

"What?" She asked.

"Why on earth would you want to get a nose job?" I asked

"Because I don't like my nose." She stated.

"Well I love your nose so no." I said.

"Ugh whatever" she said as she stomped upstairs.

"Women" Chaz said as he plopped down on the couch.

"Psh." I scoffed at him.

"What?" He asked.

"You don't even have a woman stupid." I said laughing

"Hey, I can get a woman! Hell I can get women!" He stated

"Oh really? Then why aren't their any women here right now with you?" I asked.

"Because that's rude of me to invite all of my women here to my friends house! Duh!"

"Yeah whatever chaz" I said walking into the kitchen.

Chaz and I were watching tv when we had Ashlyn scream. We both ran up the stairs as fast as we could. When we got to our room we found Ashlyn holding onto the door frame clutching her stomach.

"Baby what's wrong?" I asked as I ran over to her.

"I think I'm in labor." She said worriedly.

"Ok um, Chaz call the hospital an tell them were on our way! I'm gonna grab the bags and get the car, Chaz help her while your on the phone." I said grabbing the bags and heading to the garage.

"This is it." I said to myself with a smile on my face.

I backed the car out of the driveway and parked it while I helped Ashlyn in.

"Deep breaths baby just like we practiced." I said trying to calm her down.

"I know what to fucking do Cameron!" she yelled. I don't blame her though I know how much pain she's going through.

We drove to the hospital in 5 minutes. I called her parents as we were leaving and their already here.

"Help someone help! My girlfriends in labor!" I said yelling. As soon as I said labor about 10 nurses and doctors ran over to us. They picked Ashlyn up an put her on one of those roller beds.

I grabbed Ashlyn's hand as we all ran into one of the rooms.

"Ok Ashlyn when I say push your gonna push as hard as you can alright?" The doctor asked.

"Ok" she said back grabbing my hand squeezing it.

"Push Ashlyn!" The doctor demanded.

She pushed as hard as she could and screaming at the same time.

"2 more times Ashlyn! Let's do this again! For your baby boy!" The doctor said for motivation.

That seemed to work because she didn't need to push a third time. On the second push we finally brought our baby boy into this world.

Short but!!!

She finally had her baby!

Sorry guys I'm suffering from major writers block!

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