"He was doing a research on Taylia's migraine and night terrors again." She says picking her words one after the other.

I knew it! Zachary never loved me, it's always been Taylia. It was all about her until Diego came along. I suffered years of pain with the fact that my dad hated me for not being the one that died even with the pain of losing a twin sister. He was suspended once before not long after Taylia's death for doing the same thing. And now again? After so many years, what did he plan to do? Bring her back to life?

I remove my hand from hers immediately making her look up at me tearfully, "What happened?" I ask bitterly, "Is she still alive? Was I the one meant to go? You're thinking about it too, right? Is he trying to find a way to make me have them too so I can go join my sister?"

She gasps in surprise to my attack, "No! Of course not! How can you say that, Taylor. You know that's not true."

"Do I? Because lately I'm not even sure what is true anymore!" I say feeling betrayed once again. I turn my back on her as the tears threaten to drop. Can't I have people who actually care about me in this life? First it's the friends I kept that betrayed me and now family. How much worse am I going to have to face and endure?

"Wait a minute both of you, who is Taylia?" Diego asks making Mom and I immediately snap to his direction. Right, we had totally forgotten he was around. He doesn't really know a thing about her. We kept it from him since there wasn't any reason at that time for him to know he had a sister that was dead.

"Oh Taylia's your elder sister. She's my twin sister or was, you know why? It's because shes dead but no worries, your dad's looking for ways to bring her lost soul back." I say with bitterness in my throat.

"Don't talk about her like that!" mom snaps at me. My eyes widens at her statement and so does hers. Of course she was the loved daughter. Wasn't she?

I shake my head at her and start of heading towards the kitchen door.

"Taylor, I'm sorry. I didn't...." But she trails off as Zachary himself comes to the door of the kitchen standing with a smile, "What's going on? I've been expecting my food since."

I scoff as I look at him with bitterness before I stomp out of the kitchen and out of the house. He got a suspension for looking up in things of my dead twin sister and he's acting like nothing's wrong. Just the way Ethan and Olivia have been acting for two years that everything is fine even when it isn't.

I walk around the neighborhood absentminded. I just keep on walking till I felt a strong hand pull me aside. I look up angrily just to see another one of my nightmares.

"What is it? What are you doing here? Why did you pull me like that?" I snap at him. Of course it's the first time I snapped at him since I heard he was cheating but he definitely caught me in the wrong mood.

"I'm sorry for pulling you." Ethan says looking really sympathetic but who cares at the moment, "But I really needed to talk to you urgently."

"Do I look like I'm in the mood to talk to anyone right now? No! So go away!" I say releasing myself from his grip and wanting to walk away till his next words stop me.

"Oli told me." He says carefully.

My head snap at the mention of his nickname for her and I turn to face him.

"She finally had the courage to tell you, huh?" I say as I scoff, "Oli, right?" I say remembering that he never really called her that when we were speaking to each other. So we're deciding to be free now aren't we?

"I've always called her Oli." He says getting what I'm saying.

"Oh that's true." I say with gritted teeth, "And she's always lied about hating the name in my presence while she didn't mind it at all. How much fun you people made of me in your heads every time I tried to make you stop arguing even when you weren't? You were just fooling the silly girl, weren't you?"

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