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       I've always wanted to go for a camping trip and all where there are many activities with the grovelling in the woods, having different nice games and of course the burn fire

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       I've always wanted to go for a camping trip and all where there are many activities with the grovelling in the woods, having different nice games and of course the burn fire.

What I didn't expect was a class, a freaking class on camp so unrealistic. They separated us according to our subject takes and thus began the interactive class. Can you imagine? I mean if I liked school and classes, this will be like an interesting new experience, but the thing is when I was looking for interesting new experiences, I was thinking of a study session.

I dress up casually making sure not only did my face show my mood but my choice of clothing did. Olivia is pretty happy about it, well maybe not about it, but she's excited about something and she has been since last night. I don't know who she went to see last night that made her so happy but all I know is she snuck out of the tent last night and back all smiley late in the night and somehow she's not telling me and I only know these because of my strange enthusiasm for this whole camp thing.

We head to the bunker where the class is going to be held and settled down. When we get there, I notice there are a lot of strange faces I don't know, which means they're obviously from Dawn's school.

Mr Kenz, the teacher in question is from Beacon High didn't let me sit next to Olivia because he says I wouldn't listen. Is he serious?

"Alright, good day class." Mr Kenz says with a smile he forces on his face, which is his normal reaction to us.

"Well, good day Mr Em teacher whom I don't know his name." A guy who I don't know says with a broad smile. He was typically a jock from his behaviour and build. Muscular arms and boy. Sexy red hair. He looks like they brought him straight out of a movie.

His statement makes a few Beacon High students coo and I don't cannot notice the glare Ethan sends him, a glare so strong that I have never seen on his face before making me really wonder who the boy in question was.

Mr Kenz is pissed, he has fully wiped his fake smile off his face replacing it with a straight glare, "Well Mr I know more than the rest of the world. If you had just answered like a normal student. I'd have introduced myself." Mr Kenz says wit gritted teeth.

This earns a few whistles making me chuckle a bit because I must admit no one ever really talks back at Mr Kenz.

"To the normal students, I'm Mr Kenz and I'll be taking your class today." Mr Kenz says definitely wanting to go on with the class so it can be over.

"Well, Good day Mr Kenz, the name's Jason West." The redhead whose name I know now to be Jason says with a smirk to which Mr Kenz glares at inappropriately. It's pretty obvious that he's trying not to flare up, which would be pretty interesting.

Jason West, on hearing his name, I finally know why Ethan had glared at him that way. They're kind of enemies. A big word I know, but Ethan really hates him.

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