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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm so sorry for keeping you all waiting for that long

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm so sorry for keeping you all waiting for that long. Especially at that point but anyways here is my compensation. Please if you notice any error, kindly point them out to me please. thank you. 

And to all of you that have been with me since the beginning and are still here now. thank you so much. it means a lot to me.


  I am in pain and I honestly don't want to step foot into school to see the faces of those arseholes but I can't have dad and mom become suspicious, especially dad. Mom had managed not to say a word to him even though I could see that even fibre of her being wanted to.

So instead of wallowing in self-pity, I pick up my pride and walk into school deciding that I am going to use the time to come up with my revenge plan and I know seeing their faces is going to be an excellent motivation.

I plan to destroy them and everything they had worked for in this school and out, I just need how.

I head to my locker with a small smile as I hold my head up. I am so close to crumbling because it seems the entire school is laughing at me. It is like they all know and I am the only one left in the dark, but I don't crumble because I catch sight of Olivia standing right in front of my locker. I scoff within, holding myself at bay so I don't lose my shit.

"Taylor." She says when she sees me with a pitiful face. From the look on her face, it is like she's cried all her life. Why the sudden conscience Olivia, you didn't seem to have that when you were spreading your legs wide open for my boyfriend. You still have a lot of crying to do.

I don't know what to do or what she wants me to say. Tell her I forgive her? I turn to my locker, ignoring her and her pleas. I quickly take my books and turn away from her direction to the direction of my class.

"Taylor!" she cries out my name like she can't believe I'm walking out on her. I turn towards her but I don't fully turn when a poster posted catches my attention. I move towards it to get a closer look. I notice it is a flier for a game. My school team will join with that of Dawn's school to fight with two other schools in our zone.

It is something we do every two years and if you are the lucky captain of the two teams that leads the team to victory, you would gloat about for the two years before it is time for the next game.

I walk away as I realize Olivia used the opportunity to catch up to me but then I stop and turn to the flier again reality of what the flier could bring to me hitting me. Ethan winning would be a dream come true and a good start for his career and since anyone can audition for cheerleading captain which Olivia has always wanted, it's the perfect plan.

It's like the universe is on my side. Putting the ideas into my mind and creating an avenue where I can get great revenge and ruin their lives.

A bright smile makes its way to my lips as the wheels turn in my mind with many ideas to ruin them.

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