Chapter 23

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I lay comfortably on my bed, my phone in my hands, and I smile at the screen.

I still can't believe that this whole time, we've been superhero partners😅❤️xx

She's so cute. I can't stop thinking about how in love with her I am as I reread her message and then type out a reply. I still haven't fully wrapped my head around the fact that Marinette is Ladybug, either.

Something I'll also have to get used to is her sending me love hearts and kisses through text. I was practically fanboying when I first saw she sent me them.

I still can't believe that I didn't recognise you're just as beautiful without the mask as you are with it sooner😉❤️xx

It feels so foreign to me, flirting with a girl when I'm not Cat Noir. But this is more real than anything, because I'm beginning to visualise a clearer and brighter future for me and Marinette. And seeing as we've actually been close for 2 years-counting our time spent together as superheroes, well, maybe we don't have to take it as slow anymore.

Maybe tomorrow we can become official. Maybe I can finally look at Marinette without worrying about labelling our relationship.

I see you're still just as flirtatious without the cat suit😂❤️xxx

The more kisses she adds on the end of her text, the more my heart begins to race. For some reason they mean so much to me.

You know you love it😉❤️xxx

Maybe...Anyway I need to go study for that history test we have on Monday. But I can't wait to see you again tomorrow❤️xxx

I feel a wave of sadness hit me as I read her text. I don't want to stop talking to her.

Okay☹️But if you want a certain cat to drop in and tuck you in bed, let me know💕I can't wait to see you tomorrow either though

With that, I lock my phone and place it beside me. Sighing, I stare at the ceiling, trying to collect my thoughts together.

Today I found out that Ladybug's real identity is Marinette; I still can't wrap my head around that. If you'd have told me 2 years ago that Ladybug would eventually willingly reveal her true identity to me then honestly, I would've laughed in your face. And yet here we are now.

"Wow, I love hanging out with you so much, Adrien. We always have the greatest conversations ever where I'm completely ignored all the time," Plagg suddenly says, sarcasm practically dripping from his words.

"I'm pretty overwhelmed right now, Plagg. All of this news hit me so fast and I haven't really had the chance to process it until now," I explain, stilling facing the ceiling.

"You're overwhelmed 90% of the time though. You should be used to it by now," he snickers, and I refrain from rolling my eyes.

He's so sympathetic.

"Marinette's kwami was so much nicer to me," I say, folding my arms and making a 'hmf' sound.

"Tikki? But she's so serious! I have so much more personality than her!" he protests, flying in my face.

"Sure, Plagg," I say, raising an eyebrow at him. As if Marinette's kwami has less personality.

"It's true! Don't be fooled by her adorable face and cute high pitched voice! Just because I tell you things straight up doesn't make me unlikeable!" he whines, throwing his tiny hands in the air in exasperation.

"Did you just call her cute and adorable?"

"I did no such thi-"

"I never thought it could be possible..." I smirk, enjoying seeing him get embarrassed for once.

"Nothing's possible! You don't know what you're talking abou-"

"You actually like something other than cheese! You have a crush on Marinette's kwami!" I say triumphantly. It feels so good getting him back for all the times he's teased me. But I'm also really curious as to how Plagg and Tikki got to meet up enough for him to develop this crush in the first place.

"I do not! I could never have a crush on anything other than cheese! It's one of a kind!" he argues back with me.

My smirk widens. "You know what else is one of a kind, Plagg? The kwami of creation...Aka Tikki..."

"Okay, I do not like this side of you, Adrien. Go back to being overwhelmed and defenceless! I can't talk to you when you're being like this," he changes the subject as he turns his back to me and sulks.

"Sulk all you want but you can't deny the fact that you have a crush on Marinette's kwami. And to be honest, that works out great for me because it gives me an excuse to go visit her now," I happily exclaim, jumping up from the comfort of my bed.

His eyes widen. "Wh-No, Adrien, I don't want-"

"Plagg, CLAWS OUT!"


I jump from building to building, until I finally reach my destination. Plagg is probably super mad at me right now, but he'll thank me when him and Tikki are getting married. Wait, can kwamis even get married?

As I find myself outside Marinette's window, I see her looking beautiful as ever, fast asleep on her desk. She's so cute when she sleeps.

Without a second thought, I quietly open her window and climb into her room. It's only 7 in the evening, so the fact that she's asleep so early must mean she's exhausted.

My poor bugaboo.

I carefully tiptoe over to her, and lift her out of her chair. "Hmm...." she mumbles, snuggling into my chest. I quite literally almost melt at her actions. Pulling the covers of her bed down, I gently place her down, and then move the covers over her.

I wish I could've spoken to her more today, but I don't want to wake her up; she looks so peaceful when she's sleeping. So, I force myself to tear my gaze away from her, and make my way to the window.

But then something catches my eye on her wall.  Along with the countless photos of me as Adrien, there's a new photo, with a heart drawn  on it.

It's a photo of me in my superhero form.

I smile looking down. So she really does accept both sides of me.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow.


Soo there wasn't that much going on in this chapter but you did get a sneak peak of a bit of Plikki right?

And I hope you guys enjoyed Adrinette texting because I enjoyed writing it!

Let me know what you want to see more of in this book because it will be coming to an end soon :( But by soon I mean after a few more chapters so not super soon.

Thank you so much for all the support you all give me; it's unbelievable how someone like me has gotten this many reads😂Ily all so much❤️

I'll see you all in the next chapter!


Babysitting • Adrienette •Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz