Chapter 10

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"Guys, guys, guys! Please, calm down. Now, Manon I'd like you to go over to that wall of sand and try digging through it while Cat Noir and I come up with a plan to get us out of here," My ladybug side comes out as I stop the two from arguing. Manon complies and runs over to the sand wall, her tiny hands scraping its surface. I feel Cat Noir's eyes on me so I turn to him and fold my arms. "What?"

He quickly averts his eyes to the ground. "Oh, it's nothing. You just reminded me of someone when you said that..."

My eyes immediately widen at this, as I awkwardly bring my hand up to the back of my neck. "Aha...So anyway...Do you have any plans to get us out of here? You are the superhero after all," I switch up topics, just in case he was starting to figure out anything.

He shakes his head. "To be honest, I'm sure Ladybug can handle whatever's out there for now. She can do anything. We're closed off from the akumatised victim here too so we'll be safe." Cat Noir leans against the wall opposite me and slides against it so he's sitting on the floor.

"Yeah-but-but what if Ladybug's been trapped or something too? We can't not try!" I desperately try to reason, as I look down at him.

"But if I use my cataclysm to get us out of here, I'll only have 5 minutes left before I transform back," he sulks, sighing slightly. I raise an eyebrow at his negativity. This isn't the Cat Noir I know. It's almost like he wants to stay here.

"Alright, Cat Noir, I'll do you a deal," I say, grabbing his hands and pulling him up as he stares at me with wide eyes due to my newly shown confidence. "You help me come up with something to help get us out...And I'll make you a plate full of croissants tonight if you come to my balcony at 9 o'clock so you can get them." His eyes light up with glee.

"Really?!" I nod my head, trying not to smile. "Well in that case we can just use my staff to lift us out of the alley." My almost-smile drops. HE KNEW HOW TO GET US OUT THIS WHOLE TIME?! Ugh, when I see him as Ladybug I'm gonna give him a real piece of my mind.

He goes over to Manon and lifts her up first, extending his staff up the wall of sand and then down it. Next, he extends his staff back down the wall of sand for me to grab onto and I slide down onto the ground after doing so.

"Now, my princess, I'm gonna leave you here so I can help Ladybug defeat that sand kid. Although I'm shore it'll be another piece of cake. You'll be okay getting back?" Cat Noir asks and I begin to blush at the nickname until I notice the pun.

"I'll be fine, you should go!"I dismiss, waving at him so he leaves. In the midst of me doing so however, he grabs my hand and places a gentle kiss on the back before winking and leaping off into the distance. I stand in a daze, staring at the spot he kissed.

"MARINETTE!" Manon shouts, pulling me out of my haziness.

Manon! What am I going to do with her?

"Sorry, Manon, umm I'm going to drop you off at my house. I'm sure my mom and dad can look after you...I have something I need to take care off but I purrromise I'll be back soon." I hurriedly tell her as I pick her up and we begin walking. She nods her little head and I speed walk down the streets. My house isn't too far away luckily; I just hope Cat Noir won't get too mad that I'm not there.

We're almost at my house when a thought comes to me, making me almost stop in my tracks.

I made a cat pun without realising.

---------------------15 minutes later---------------------

"Pound it," Cat Noir and I fist bump just as my earrings being beeping. It's a real shame that I don't get to talk to Cat Noir as Ladybug very often. We've been friends for so long now and I feel like just lately we've lost our old connection and I'd like to rekindle that.

Babysitting • Adrienette •Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant