Chapter 13

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A/N: okay before the chapter starts can we just talk about the pic above like this app is everything? 😂 I always knew Adrien was an angel 😂


Last night was great. Everything I've been holding in since the moment I kissed Marinette I was able to express. And Nino listened to every word. It was a beautiful night. The night where 2 guys stopped conforming to society's stereotypes and confronted our emotions head on. There were even a few tears shed.

Moments like those are some that you can only share with your best friend.

To be honest, I wish I could just go back to last night and relive that emotional time with Nino, instead of standing in front of a white screen and thoughtlessly posing for some uninteresting magazine. I'm bored out of my mind.

No seriously, I'm literally bored out of my mind-Like I can feel my thoughts drifting out of my head in an attempt to escape this mundane photo-shoot. It would be so much more fun if Marinette was with me right now. She'd find a way to distract me from how boring this whole experience is. All she has to do is smile and everything else in the world disappears.

Apart from Ladybug.

Ugh, I just wish I could get her out of my head! Why is she so hard to move on from? Can't I just stick to liking one person? Life is so difficult sometimes.

"No! No! Your face is all wrong! You need to look less miserable and more happy! Readers don't want to see a depressing front cover!" The photographer scolds, making me sigh in annoyance.

Modeling is so much hard work...


"I'm so glad that's over," I say in relief, falling back on my bed. Plagg bitterly snickers from beside me.

"It was a 2 hour photo-shoot. Are you seriously exhausted over doing nothing but posing? I have to go into your ring most days to help save Paris with no food until after. And I don't get paid with loyal fans or anything fancy-you do! All I get is a tiny piece of Camembert!That is exhausting!" he whines like he does everyday. I'm  used to it though, and I can see where he's coming from sometimes, since unlike him, I can empathise...

"Alright, alright. I suppose you do deserve more cheese every now and again. I'll see what I can do. But honestly Plagg, it wouldn't kill you to be sympathetic for once in your life," I reason, watching as he scoffs.

"I'm sympathetic in really messed up situations, when you actually need it. If I showed you sympathy all the time, you'd take it for granted and it wouldn't feel as good when it counts the most," he wisely says. I'm taken aback by his change in character. I've never known Plagg could actually be so thoughtful and intellectual.

"You know, I've never thought of it that way. You are one smart kwami," I admittedly say, shrugging off my drop in pride from telling him that. "Hey, while you're being smart, why don't you suggest something for me to do today," I offer, one thought already standing out in my mind.

"My wise advice isn't free you know? Cough up some Camembert and then I'll give you an idea," he smugly demands. I sigh, reaching into my pocket and pulling out a piece of cheese, handing it to him shortly after. Within seconds he devours it, leaving me more than slightly grossed out. "Thank you," he says after doing the loudest burp I've ever heard. "So I think you should visit the bakery and see what Marinette's up to. Even if she isn't free, you can just buy some food from there anyway. Hmm, I wonder if they sell cheese..."

His answer is simpler than I thought it would be and I realise I would've been able to come up with that idea on my own. In fact, I had that idea in my head before I asked for Plagg's advice! Well, actually I didn't know how I was going to visit Marinette; I was actually just going to transform into Cat Noir to visit her just because I'm more confident as a super hero...But that might've worried people around Paris considering it's broad daylight right now.

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