Chapter 6

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"I feel awful," I groan, banging my head on my desk. I can't believe I just blew up on the guy I've had a crush on for a whole year! I mean he did deserve it...BUT STILL! I've probably made everything awkward in the friendship group now...

"Girl, trust me on this, you have no need to feel bad. What Adrien did was totally unjust. Want me to talk to him for you and give him a piece of my mind?" Alya's comforting voice comes from speaker phone. I lift my head up, slightly smiling to myself, thinking about how amazing my best friend is.

"It's alright, Alya. Thank you though. Gah, I just feel like I've screwed up our whole friendship group," I sigh, looking down at my fingers.

From the other line I hear Alya chuckle. "Marinette, you overthink things so much! Come to school tomorrow and just talk to Nino instead. That might make him completely jealous and confess his secret undying love for you and you guys will live HAPPILY EVER AFTER AND OH MY GOSH MY ADRIENETTE HEA-"

I cut off her rambling by laughing at her nonsense. "You're crazy."

"And that's why you love me. What kind of best friend would I be if I didn't lift your spirits with my unique nature? I'll answer for you-A boring one."

Okay, she does have a point. I don't know what I'd do if I had a normal best friend to replace Alya. Life wouldn't be the same. "True that. Anyway I'm gonna go now; I have to figure out my master plan for avoiding Adrien tomorrow." Of course, that's only a half lie. I do want to avoid him tomorrow but I actually have to do patrol right now with Cat Noir. Doing patrol with him is going to be so refreshing-You know since I'll be talking to someone whose not as desperate as everyone else to find out my identity.

"If you say so, girl. See you in class," she laughs.


With that, I put my phone down and smile at Tikki. "I really think you should talk to Adrien. You do remember he doesn't have much experience with friendships, right? Maybe try giving him a second chance?" My smile drops.

"Tikki, you know what I'm like when it comes to arguments. If he wants a second chance, he can try and find me himself," I mutter, sighing because I hate all this conflict. Well, more specifically I hate that Tikki is telling me that I'm in the wrong because I know that 99% of the time she's right. "Anyway, we have a stray kitty to see. So without further or due...Tikki, SPOTS ON! YEAH!"

I transform into Ladybug and swing my yoyo out of my window, leaping out of the building and going to my usual spot with Cat Noir. In a short amount of time, I find him perched on a window ledge, his head in his hands.

And I feel my heart break a little at the sight.

"Cat Noir? Are you okay?" I softly ask, taking a seat next to him. I seem to have taken him by surprise because he jumps at my presence, lifting his head up from his...wet hands? I gasp, interrupting him before he can respond to my question and taking his face into my hands. "Have you been crying? What's wrong?" I wipe his fresh tears from his cheeks and stare into his mesmerising-I mean perfectly normal and totally not beautiful green eyes with concern overwhelming me.

He stares back with a face that shows shock, awe and sadness. "L-Ladybug...I-" I throw my arms around his neck as I see him begin to break down. He quickly returns the hug, wrapping his arms around my waste. "I made a really big mistake..." he mumbles into my shoulder.

Babysitting • Adrienette •Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum