Zayn looked up and saw me in the doorway, obviously staring right at her. I glanced at him with a “please don’t say anything” look on my face, and he nodded, but I knew we would be talking about this later. He mouthed "Talk about it? Tonight?" I sighed and nodded, knowing I'd feel even lighter if I told Zayn everything. That’s the problem with Zayn, he gives you amazing advice, but he never lets you off the hook. Blessing and a curse, actually. I entered the kitchen area, where Harry was popping popcorn to go with the cookies he broke down and baked. I helped him out, and we carried all the food out to the couches. Soon after, everyone was situated in various positions around the room, facial expressions ranging from manic excitement (Louis), to bored indifference (Zayn), to apprehensive fear (Harry). I was sitting beside Niall on the couch, and Georgia was on the floor, back to the couch, in between our two sets of legs. Harry was on the big chair right by the TV, while Zayn was sprawled across the love seat directly across from him. Finally, Louis was spread eagle on the floor, no doubt thinking diabolical thoughts on how to best humiliate us.

“Georgie?” Louis asked in a wheedling, sugar-sweet tone. 

“Yes, Lou?” She matched his voice perfectly, making Harry let out a small laugh.

“You do know how to play truth, correct?”

“Erm... well, don’t you just... tell the truth?” George asked confusedly. Louis smacked his forehead and shook his head.

“There’s so much more to it than that, Georgie!!! Keep up, sister!” Lou jumped up and started pacing, excitedly rubbed his hands together. “Someone asks a question, and everyone else goes around and must answer truthfully. Or suffer the consequences. If you do not answer the question, you lose! The losers have to clean the dishes for two weeks! Finally, when it comes down to two people, if one person chooses not to answer, they get to ask the other person a final question, and if the other person answers, then they are the winner.” 

“Sounds like a dangerous game.” Much laughter from around the room as Louis waggled his eyebrows and fake twirled a moustache before answering.

“Oh, it is.” I shook my head and told Louis to move his arse and get the game started. I wanted this to be over as quickly and as safely as possible, especially for Georgia. 

“ALRIGHT. First question comes from yours, truly.” Louis stated regally, with a flourished bow. Drama was always the vein of the conversation with this one. “We’ll start off with something easy. Who was the first person you snogged. Tell the truth, and describe the situation. GEORGIA first.”

She blushed beet red. “Erm... well I think it was in year seven, right before I moved, I snogged William Brightley behind the bakery when I found out that I was moving... It was awkward, we'd known each other since we were five years old, and I moved away three days later.” 

“You snogged William????” Harry burst out, looking appalled. “Bloody hell. How did I not know that? I still talk to William. In fact, I talked to William last week...”

“Probably because it was nothing.” Georgia stated without melodrama, but with a hint of blush still in her cheeks. Niall laughed. 

Louis broke the family tension by shouting; “ZAYN’S TURN” and we all listened as Zayn described snogging a girl in a broom cupboard, Niall said his first real snog was when he was 15 at her parent’s house, and Harry saying that he snogged some random girl at a party. When it was my turn, I quickly described my first snog, in my parents' house in Wolverhampton, with a girl I barely knew. I was 15. Louis nodded, satisfied, and then dubbed the next question belonged to Niall. 

“Oh okay, er, well, what was the last thing you dreamed about?” And so on went the game. We played for at least an hour, and no one chose to sit out, though Harry and Louis went at each others throats a bit when Zayn asked "Who in this room do you most trust?" And Harry said Georgia. After that, all was well, and there were quite a few embarrassing stories and laughs. Until Louis shouted out that it was again his turn to ask the question, and he glanced at Georgia imperceptibly and quickly back at me. I knew something was coming. I just wasn’t sure what.

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