Ice Cream (Chapter 3)

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'She just wants attention'

Those were all things that were being said about you when you came to school that day. You wanted to cry, but you had to be strong. They want you to cry. They want you to feel bad. But you won't let them! You can hold back. At least until you get to the bathroom.


You didn't eat today... You just couldn't. They locked you in the bathroom so you couldn't get out. You didn't even know how it was possible. They must've jammed the door somehow. When the last bell rang, everyone left the school and went home. They had all long forgotten about you. All you could do was sit on the cold floor and cry. Your throat hurt from all the shouting. It was hopeless. No one was coming to save you. You're going to be locked here all day.

While you were crying, you couldn't help but think of Namjoon. His cute smile. His adorable dimples. His perfect face... You were so lucky to meet him, your bias. And then he fell in love with you. But it was too good to be true. Others got jealous and now you're here. Locked in the girl's bathroom. Why was this happening to you? First, your mother died. And now you're getting bullied because of the person you love the most in this world. Fate is just too cruel.

You should stay away from him. Maybe then, Laura will leave you alone and you won't get bullied anymore. You don't want to spend the rest of high school living in misery. Even if it means staying away from your bias when he's right there. He's probably going to be hurt and confused. Even if you have to be selfish and hurt him for your own well being, this will definitely hurt you more than it will hurt him.


You were awoken by your head falling on the floor. You fell asleep with your head leaning on the door, someone must've opened it and you fell. You opened your eyes and growled. It was too early for this. You got up and saw the janitor.

"You alright, kid?" he asked you.

"I'm fine." you said in a monotone voice. Your voice was hoarse from crying.

"The door was jammed so I hard I had to use my tools to open it. You sure you're fine?"

"Yeah." you said and started walking to the front door of the school.

"Be careful! It's still dark outside!" you heard him shout at you.

You took your bag that was in a trash can and headed outside. It was very early in the morning, you could tell. Probably 4 or 5 am. It looks like the sun is about to rise soon. You felt the chilly wind blow at your skin. It was giving you goosebumps. You started warming yourself up by wrapping your hands around you while you walked home.



Your alarm clock ringed when you entered your room. But you didn't care, you weren't going to school today, anyway. You just flopped on your bed. It was so warm and comfy, unlike the cold floor in the girls' bathroom. You fell asleep right away.


You awoke to the sound of your phone vibrating.... again. You unlocked it and quickly checked the time. It was 11 am. There was a lot of messages from Namjoon. He wanted to know if everything was okay and why you didn't go to school today. You wanted to reply to him and tell him everything, but you just ignored him. It felt horrible to ignore your bias. Your love. He was probably very hurt and heartbroken. With all these thoughts going through your head, your hands gripped the phone and started writing a reply on their own. Before you noticed what you were doing, the message was already sent.


Nina : < Don't worry about me, everything's fine. I just need some time alone. Please don't text 'cause I won't read the messages, so don't feel hurt. I hope you understand.

Joonie : > Oh, okay. Text me when you feel like talking about it. Feel better soon!


'He's too kind!' you thought as you smiled to yourself while reading the message. With that, you got up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. You made yourself a sandwich, but you didn't feel like eating it so you saved it for later. You opened the TV to see if anything good is on. The reprise of last nights episode of 'While you were Sleeping' was on. You decided to watch it, you couldn't do that yesterday 'cause you were locked in the bathroom.

When it was done, you got some ice cream and lied on your bed. All the bad things that ever happened to you, in the past and recently, came to mind and soon enough, tears were falling down your face. Your hands kept shoving spoons of ice cream in your mouth until there was no more. You needed more to eat all your troubles away. You got up, took some money and put on a jacket. Soon, you reached a shop and took five boxes of ice cream. While you were walking to the cash register, your eyes widened at what you saw.

There were Namjoon and Hoseok, they were shopping for food. Adrenaline started rushing through you. You had to hide ASAP! If they see you with so much ice cream, they'll know something's wrong. You rushed to another aisle and hid behind it. You waited for them to pass and quickly ran to the cash register. As you were searching for money through your pockets, you felt someone tap your shoulder. When you turned around, you saw Namjoon and Hoseok smiling at you.

"Oh hey, you two. What-What are you doing here?" you said nervously and giggled. While saying that, you quickly handed the money to the cashier and quickly started putting the ice cream in a bag so they wouldn't see it. Unfortunately, it was too late.

"We're just shopping for food. What about you?" Hobi asked.

"Yeah. You sure bought a lot of... ice cream?" Namjoon noticed.

"Oh, yeah! That's-uh- That's for Hyerin! Yeah! She LOOOOVEEEES ice cream." you lied. They noticed and looked at each other. They decided to just ignore it.

"Where has Hyerin been lately, anyway? I haven't seen her in a while and she's not answering my messages and calls!" Hobi cried.

"Uhh...I don't know, I thought she was sick so I wanted to bring her s-some ice cream to make her feel better." you lied. Gosh, it would actually sound believable if it wasn't ice cream... Now they'll think that you're stupid.

"Well, I gotta go now. Bye!" you said and walked out. You ran home the rest of the way.

When you got home, you went back to what you were doing before, eating your troubled away with ice cream. Not very healthy but it was the only thing you could do right now. At least you aren't cutting yourself...

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