The truth (Chapter 4)

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"Ugghhh.." you groaned as you looked at the scale.

'I sure gained some weigh... Stupid idiot! Why'd you eat so much ice cream!' you thought to yourself.

"Welp, time to exercise." you said to yourslef and put on your P.E. outfit. It was Wednesday, 10 am. Everyone was already in school, but not you. You aren't going to that hell hole for a while.


You huffed while running along a nice pathway through the forest. It was nice. Flowers, short grass, trees. It was simply beautiful. You can finally put all your worries to rest and clear your mind from all the events yesterday. You were calm.... until you heard someone calling you, that is.

"Oi! Wait up!"

You stopped running and put your hands on your knees. The person caught up to you and put their hand on your shoulder, making you look up at them.

"Heya, mind if I run with you?"

"Sure. I wanted to be alone from all the negativity. We could just walk and talk." you said and giggled at your unintentional rhyme. He laughed as well.

"How has life been?" Namjoon asked you.

"Honestly, not very good."

"Why?" he said and his voice cracked from sadness and curiosity.

"I didn't want to bother you with it, but it looks like I can't keep anything from you." you smiled at him and he smiled back.

"If you need someone to talk to, I'm right here. I want to help you, you can trust me." he said sincerely and stopped walking.

You noticed and stopped as well and turned around. Your eyes met.

The sun shined in his face but he wore a peaceful expression. He was smiling at you, you looked at his red lips. Your eyes averted up, and you analyzed his face carefully. He was perfect. All of his features are so beautiful and just the way you like them. He looked so much better in real life than on your computer screen. You never really took a minute to observe him, you were too focused on his presence and couldn't bring yourself to look at him 'cause you were too shy. Now was your chance to truly enjoy his beauty.

"You here?" he asked and ruined the moment.


"Are you gon' tell me what happened, or do I have to just watch you suffer and not be able to help?" he asked.

You sighed and started walking, he followed after you. On your little walk, you told him everything that happened and he listened carefully.

"Listen to me, okay?" he said. You nodded your head and waited for him to continue.

"Promise me you'll go to school tomorrow. You need to get educated to succeed in life." he said seriously.

"But what about the bullies?" you asked.

"Don't worry about that. They won't bother you, I promise. But you gotta come to school, promise?"



You weren't sure about this, but you had to go. You promised.

You were standing at the front door of your school. Everyone was already in. You took a deep breath and took a step closer. You put your hand on the handle and slowly opened the door.

You were scared. What if they bully you again? Or lock you in the bathroom again? What if everything's the same? But Namjoon promised they wouldn't do anything to you, you trusted him.

Finally taking your first step in, everything felt the same. No one payed any attention to you at first, but a few more steps in and everyone was already looking at you and whispering. You saw Laura and her gang walking your way. They were sending death glares at you and quickly approached you. You were scared. You wanted to run away, but you promised you would stay. And Namjoon promised nothing would happen to you. Just as they got closer to you, a figure stepped in front of you, blocking your view.

"Leave her alone." a deep voice said. The girls gasped in surprise.

"Oppa! You're here!" Laura shouted with an annoying voice.

"I'm not your oppa." the figure said. Everyone gasped.

"Is that her ex-boyfriend? The one Nina took away from her?" someone asked.

"Yeah, that's him. She always calls him oppa." another person answered.

You wanted to sigh out of disappointment. Only the people in YOUR school were so stupid. They don't even know who RM is!

"What happened to you, oppa? This witch did something to you! You were never so mean to me!" Laura acted as if her story was true.

"For the last time, I'm not your oppa and I was never your boyfriend. I don't know you and I don't even go to your school! You lied to everyone to make them pick on Nina!" he explained.

Everyone gasped. Some walked away in anger and disappointment while others stayed to see what's going to happen. Fortunately, nothing. Laura ran away in tears and Namjoon took your hand and lead you away from the crowd.

"See? Nothing happened to you and nothing will!"

"Thank you! Thank you so much! You saved me! My life would be a living hell if you didn't tell everyone the truth!" you said and hugged him. He hugged you back. You didn't want to let go, his embrace was so warm and comforting. But you had to.

Before you could take your hands off of him, he put his hands on your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss. It was short, but sweet. Unfortunately, it wasn't as long as the first one and it was over quick. Namjoon laughed at your surprised and flustered expression.

"Hurry on to your class, The bell is about to ring." he said with a smile.

You looked at the clock that was hanging in the hallway. He was right, the bell is going to ring soon.

"Byee!" you shouted and started running to your class.

"I'll come pick you up after school!" you heard him shout as you neared your classroom and smiled to yourself.

You couldn't wait.

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