Chapter 9

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You woke up groggily, All might was nowhere to be seen. Looking around you realized you were late for school... "SHINTERU" you yell as you get up and quickly change into your uniform. All might must've been already at school.

You quickly grab a piece of toast and realized you burnt it (rip cliche) so you just make some cereal and quickly eat it. After eating you run to school and walk inside. Something didn't feel right there was a gloomy atmosphere. "What happened...?".

As you walked around you started hearing people whispering and more glares were given than you expected. Did you maybe do something wrong yesterday? While walking a teacher saw you and gave you a weird look, something like.... disappointment. A feeling was eminent in your gut now. You did something weird yesterday and now everyone hates you. "I'm scared, I really don't want to go to class" you thought to yourself.

Like fate hates you or something the bell rung on cue and you hurried to class, you took a seat where you thought no one would see you. While looking around you see Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya. They were looking at you too. You felt like crying "I'm a monster..."

Mr. Aizawa walks inside the classroom and starts taking roll. He progressively gets more and more mad as students whisper to eachother. "Oy, just because something bad happened you can't just not pay attention to class anymore" he says and glares at some of the students.

He saw you with your head down, trying not to cry. You felt his gaze on you and you felt so embarrassed "Oh glob i'm so ugly when i cry please look away" you think to yourself.

Mr. Aizawa's  glare softens and he looks away. Iida is raising his hand, glancing at you in worry. "Yes Iida?" Iida puts down his hand "Can you maybe explain what happened for some people who don't know?". "What happened?" you thought, was this thing you did so bad? Did the students see you with All Might and making weird rumors!?

The teacher nodded and everyone stayed silent, but you noticed Bakugou looking even more pissed off. "As most of you already, 5 people died yesterday" what!? "They were all just living daily lives when they collapsed and died minutes later, one by one." this sounds like... "When they were examined they found nothing poisonous in their system or any signs of physical harm. They found that all of them just had heart attacks and died". 

You froze, this sounded... exactly like how you would kill people with your quirk. But  you didn't do anything! Surely everyone knew that! Looking around everyone looked a bit nervous and uncertain. The only person that didn't look uncertain was Asui. Your friends looked more worried than uncertain, thankfully. But... you looked at Bakugou and he looked furious, looking right at you with murderous eyes. You hiccuped and tried to hide your face. The teacher went on "Of course we have no proof that this was homicide, but many people are saying that it is very unusual for 5 people, in the same place, would collapse and die of heart attack one by one.".

He was right, it was weird and was probably someone's quirk. But no one has had a quirk that can do such thing. There are no villians with that sort of quirk, except you. You didn't blame anyone for thinking that, if you saw a monster trying and failing to be a human the monster would take it's anger on something. You would choose the monster as the culprit right away. After all, this wouldn't have been the first time... "Anyway, now that all of you know the situation it's time to start class, if I hear any whispers or anything i'm giving you extra homework" Mr. Aizawa said coldly.

Class continued and the only thing that bothered you was the glances that were thrown at you. You couldn't focus very well but you tried your best, if you did bad in class it would only make everything worse. You just hoped your friend didn't hate your guts forever now, Bakugou certainly did but you didn't know him that well so that made it less bad for you. 

The bell rung after what seemed like only a couple of minutes with all of the thoughts that were circling through your head. When you walked out of class your trio of friends went up to you "I'm sorry that this is happening to you (L/N)I don't believe that it was you." the brunette said. You nodded "Thanks Uraraka"

Iida started speaking in a clear voice "I agree as well, I can't believe that after one thing everyone turns on you, how could they ever be heroes if they don't learn to have trust in their comrades!?" you smiled. "It's okay Iida, I don't blame them. I'm the only villian that has a quirk like that. If I saw a monster near a corpse I would think the monster did it too" you said, sniffing.

"(L/N)..." Iida started. Midoriya interrupted him "I know you didn't do it (L/N). We both do. YOU know you didn't do it. Why should you feel guilty for what you haven't done. Lift your head, your not alone, I will help you no matter what.". You blush.

Midoriya gets a bit flustered "No- ah - I mean-"

"Midoriya isn't the only one who will help you" Uraraka says with a determined face "I'll still help you no matter what, even if I can't do much i'll try my best!" Iida joins in "I will too (L/N), People shouldn't immediately assume that an innocent person did a bad act. We will all help bring justice to this situation!".

You were so touched, you expected them to completely shun you, you were the one that didn't have trust in your comrades. "Thank you, all of you" you said. "But we should probably head to class now" you said. They nodded and you started walking to the next class with them.

But if it wasn't you, there were no villians with this quirk, Who was it?

(1034 words! consider it payment for not posting for a long time! .w.)

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