Chapter 8

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All Might got a little confused as you walked closer to him, he barely had enough time to react before you put your head on his chest and nuzzled into it. He turned bright red and tried to say something but couldn't get the words out. "Do you not like me nuzzling you? Would you like to nuzzle me? I'm shorter than you though so you would have to sit me up on something" .

He seemed to turn even redder and looked away from you "W-what are you saying (L/N)!?"

You slowly process what you did and turn red yourself "Oh, i'm sorry I just-" you quickly try to think of an excuse "um.... wanted to try and calm you down a little since you seemed so tense" you say "Nailed it"

Both blushing, he comes up to you and picks you up bridal style "I was lying that other time, you aren't heavy" he says.

"Were you just being sassy then?" you look at him with your (E/C) orbs "Yea... I was being sassy" he says and chuckles.

You squeak and he looks at you with a confused face "I just looked down and remembered terrified I am of heights" "oh it's nothing" you say.

In a bit of fear you wrap your arms around his neck, he blushes but thinks for a second "Are you scared..?" you nod and he smiles at you "You're barely high up!" "I know but i'm still scared..." "How did you survive us jumping over here?" "I was able to distract myself by realizing I was still wearing a skirt".

All might laughed "Why didn't you say something earlier?" he asks "I was too embarrassed to..." you reply.

He smiled at you and you blush, looking away. All might brings you to a room, his bedroom. There was only one bed... "There's only one bed" you say. "I'll just sleep on the floor"

You glare at him "No way are you sleeping on the floor. You have been helping me for so long now and letting you have the bed is the least I can do". "But-" you interrupt him "You're sleeping on the bed"

All might sighs and smiles "Oh okay. Thank you Y/n" you blush "N-no problem". "He said my first name squeeee"

He sets up a futon on the ground and sits on his bed blushing. You catch him as he stared at you, he looks away quickly and you smile. Yawning as you lay down on the futon and cover yourself, your eyes become heavy and in a couple seconds you were passed out completely. All might looks at you before laying on his own bed and falling asleep after a minute or two.

A shadow is seen, smiling at the both of you. How peculiar

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