Chapter 4

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-Jay pov-

The shoulder harnesses rose up, and I glanced over to see Alyssa. She sat there, facing straight ahead for several seconds before yelling, "That was awesome!"

She jumped out of the seat, and ran past me to get back on line. I watched her run, then smirked to myself as I pulled the shoulder harness down over me. Someone climbed on to sit in the now-empty spot next to me.

The coaster retraced its path up the lift hill, eventually releasing and sending us all into another bout of screams and fun. This repeated about three more times until Alyssa ended up in the seat next to me.

"How come you didn't have to get off?" she complained, strapping herself in.

"If no-one else wants to ride in the seat you're sitting in - you don't have to get off." I explained.

"Why didn't you tell me that?" she demanded.

"You didn't ask." I pointed out.

"I asked now." 

The ride attendant reached our row and after making sure that we were secured, the ride started.

"And as you may recall, I have now answered." I called back as we were being slowly pulled upwards and backwards.

I didn't get a response as we fell before she could say anything. Once we got off, she was no longer annoyed and seemed to have forgotten about the whole thing. Alyssa wanted to ride again, but I'd already ridden flashback five times and was ready to ride something else.


I tossed the empty coffee cup into the big green bin. "You ready to eat?" I asked Alyssa. 

"No," she responded. "I don't feel like throwing up."

"Good point." I nodded, then pointed towards The Glider, a long and looping rollercoaster that covered half the park. Though it was fast, the coaster was so smooth it simply felt like you were flying. 

"I'm not riding that," was Alyssa's response to me heading towards it. 

"Come on." I complained. "You rode flashback - and that's the roughest ride at the park."

"I prefer my head hitting the sides of the restraints for fifty seconds over spending over three minutes on a single rollercoaster." She said, following me onto the line anyways. 

"It'll be worth it," I assured her as we walked through the long empty lines. There weren't many people here, it being a Sunday in late October. But even if it was a Saturday in the middle of summer, this particular line would still be fairly short as this coaster could have up to a dozen different trains at a time. 

Once we reached the front of the line, we climbed into the front two hanging seats of the 4-seat train which awaited us at the station. We clicked in our seatbelts and pulled down the over-the-shoulder restraints. Once the ride attendant had confirmed that both we - and the riders behind us - were safe, the air-powered cars took off down the track, sending us smoothly down the line into endless flying twists and turns. 

I laughed at Alyssa's screaming as we soared up loop-de-loops and zipped around the park. Once the ride was over, it was clear that it was time to go. We'd been there for hours, and ridden nearly every ride at the massive park. 

As we were walking away from The Glider, Alyssa was begrudgingly agreeing that the coaster was fun when she stopped dead in her tracks. 

"Alyssa?" I asked as she stood there, cross-eyed eyes staring at nothing. "You ok?"

After a moment, she seemed to snap out of it, and pointed up at the coaster. "There."

"What?" I said, confused. 

"The restraint is going to break, and someone's going to fall." She said, staring up at a corkscrew on The Glider, pointing at the top of the first loop. 

"Are you sure?" I looked from her to the coaster. 

"Yeah." She dropped her arm, and looked over to me and shrugged. 

"Ok..." I thought for a moment, then decided to take her seriously. "Get your phone out."


"Turn on the camera, and start a video." I continued without explanation. 

"Ok... done."

I grabbed the phone, and sent it up so that the camera was facing the location on the ride that she'd pointed out. I focused on the ride, and it didn't take long for me realize that there was a flaw in the restraints of this seat. I didn't know why, but I knew it was there. 

I inhaled, and focused on the kid in the seat. The second he ended up at the top of the loop, he went flying. I made a slight grabbing motion in the air as I caught the back of his shirt, stopping him in mid air.

He dangled in the air briefly before slowly descended down to the ground, where a group of bystanders had gathered. I returned the phone to Alyssa, and started walking away towards another ride.

After a moment of just standing there, Alyssa started to run to catch up to me. "That was amazing."

I shrugged. I wanted to ask her about her abilities, but I didn't want her asking about mine. It didn't really matter either way. "You want a slushie?"


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