As if he hadn't heard my snide comment, Dad picked up a chicken finger, took a bite, nodded approvingly and went back to the living room to his new most favorite person in the world. Fantastic. Just when I thought the old truck was out of the way.

"So, Paris, huh?" Dad said to me through a mouthful of fettuccine.

"What?" I replied, puzzled, interrupted from deep thought.

It was Vincent who answered from across the table, putting down his fork and throwing me a look that said just go with it. "I sort of told Marcel about the vacation Arch—I mean, Dad was planning for the winter break. Vlad's totally dying to have you with us." He secretly winked at me.

"Oh, that," I mumbled, hurrying to think of something sensible to say. "Vladimir was really hoping I can come with them. He's Vincent's younger brother, Dad. He's like, twelve," I told Marcel, purposively being very specific so he wouldn't make any misconceptions.

"Fourteen," Vincent corrected, smirking. I wished I put a bottle of hot sauce in his pasta.

Dad nodded, his eyes shifting from me to Vincent and back. "So, you want to go with them?"

I hesitated then nodded. The excuse was well thought. I wouldn't expect less from Vincent. I was going to France—that was what I would like Dad to think. That I was going to some beautiful, happy place. But somehow, the thought of lying to him was making me feel guilty so I kept silent while Vincent gave out the details of the so-called vacation. We were supposed to stay in Vincent's half-brother, Pierre. We would be gone for two weeks. It would be really fun and a worthwhile experience. I would surely love Paris. It was the best place on earth. Vincent had been going on and on about it for what seemed like hours to convince my father to give me permission.

When finally, he convinced Dad, I could hardly look at both of them. Vincent and I knew that there was no assurance that we would both make it back.

Silently, I tidied up the kitchen as they resumed spending quality time together in front of the TV. My eyes accidentally trailed on the old creaking cupboard. Mechanically, I opened it and searched for the secret flap where I found Mom's diary and the diamond pendant, which were both hidden safely inside the drawer in my room. I finished doing the dishes in a few minutes and hurried to upstairs, remembering to make up some excuse before doing so. Frantically, I rummaged the drawers for the old Memory Tome and the necklace. I looked everywhere but didn't find anything.

"Aramis!" Dad called from downstairs. "Vincent's going home! Why don't you see him off?"

I heard Vincent politely declining but Dad insisted. So, grudgingly, I stomped down the stairs and walked him to his Cruiser. My teeth chattered since I forgot to take my jacket. Dad was at the door, crossing his arms in front of him, craning his neck to keep an eye on us.

"So... I'll be going now." It was actually awkward coming from Vincent. It sounded too... normal. "Stay inside the house once the link is cut. The barrier's still intact so wraith attack is highly unlikely. I'll pick you up tomorrow at exactly seven forty-five. Sharp," he added in a general-giving-orders tone. Now, that was more like him.

"Got it," I nodded, eager to get back into the house. My face was freezing. Just as when I was about to head back, he called my name.

"Uh... the Diviner's link," he mumbled, pointing to the tiny silver stud on his right ear. "It still works, so you can contact me if anything happens—"

"I know," I cut him off with a small smile as I was backing away. "See you."

With that, I ran back into the house, brushing off the snow that clung onto my hair. I flopped on the rug near the fireplace, rubbing my hands together. The purr of engines outside made me take an involuntary glance at the window. And I stared there blankly until the yellow jeep disappeared into the road.

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