Time After Time

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            Sam raised his head for what felt like the billionth time every time the double doors separating the waiting room from the ER opened, hoping that it would be Castiel’s doctor with good news. So far they hadn’t been approached by anyone, save for a nurse who handed them a clipboard with paperwork to be filled out. What do I put for his name? Sam had asked Dean that over an hour ago, and all he got in response was a moan. So he just put down the first name that came to his mind; Jimmy, the name of Castiel’s vessel.

            “Do you want some coffee or something?” Sam asked as he sat down after handing the clipboard back to the nurse.

            “Leave me alone Sammy,” Dean muttered. He hadn’t taken his eyes off the double doors since they’d arrived. He’d barely said more than a couple words to Sam; he just sat in the blue plastic chair, wringing his hands. “It’s been over an hour! Why won’t they tell us what’s going on?! What kind of fucking hospital IS THIS?!” Dean exploded in rage, his body trembling.

            The few people occupying the waiting room turned towards the sound of Dean shouting. The nurse behind the desk stood and warily eyed the security guard standing near the front entrance. Sam mouthed an apology at the nurse and she reluctantly sat back down and resumed her work.

            “Dude, you’ve got to calm down before they escort you out of here.” Sam placed a hand on Dean’s arm and pulled him down to the chair. Dean dropped his head into his hands and openly sobbed.

            “Winchester?” A soft feminine voice asked, pulling both boys from their thoughts.

            Dean was the first one to his feet, towering over the petite woman in green scrubs and a white coat. “That’s us. Are you Jimmy’s doctor? How is he?” Dean asked frantically.

            “Yes, I’m Jimmy’s doctor; my name is Lizzie Dixon. What is your relationship to the patient?” Dr. Collins wondered as she stared up at the two boys.

            “He’s our brother. Please, he’s the only family we got left. Is he okay?” Sam provided, using his patented puppy dog eyes on the doctor.

            “We finally got him stabilized. There were some touch and go moments for a while, but I think we’ve got it under control. Jimmy is still unconscious. He’s up in imaging right now getting an MRI and a CAT scan of his head. Once we get those back and get a clear look at the extent of the damage, he’ll most likely be transferred to Harborview in Seattle,” Dr. Dixon explained. She kept her gaze steady as she spoke, giving equal eye contact to both Winchesters.

            “Can we see him before he leaves?” Dean asked quietly, his lip still trembling slightly.

            She thought for a moment before nodding. “I don’t usually do this but, given the circumstances, why don’t you boys come up to imaging with me and you can see your brother then? He should almost be done.”

            Dean breathed a sigh of relief and hugged the doctor to his chest. “Thank you! Thank you so much.”

            “It’s no problem, really. We’d better hurry though if you want to have time to talk to him. Follow me.” Dr. Dixon motioned and the Winchesters followed her to the elevators. No one said a word as they boarded the elevator and Dr. Dixon pressed the appropriate button. It wasn’t until the doors slid shut did she speak.

            “You should prepare yourselves for what you’ll see. Like I said before, your brother is still unconscious. We’ve closed the wounds on his scalp, so at least you won’t have to see those. We’ve had to put Jimmy on a ventilator, so don’t be alarmed by that. Do you have any questions before we get there?”

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