Chapter 1: 3 months

130 1 0

July 15, 2006

"Smile Saeng." Kyujong said turning on his camera and pointed it towards Youngsaeng who was sitting around with the other members in the living room. He wore a white shirt and sweats.

"Kyu, neo mwohaneungeoya?" Jungmin asked looking at him as Youngsaeng turned to look at the camera, the lense of his black glasses glimmering in the light of the living room.

"Just filming our lives and what not, you know for the baby

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Just filming our lives and what not, you know for the baby." Kyujong replied as due to an experiment from a rival band, Youngsaeng was 3 months pregnant with his and Kyujong's child and starting to show a little bit. Ever since the beginning, KyuJong decided to document the pregnancy and their day to day life. They even already said into the camera about a month in, they explained how the baby came to be but, they are gonna love it anyways. Ever since then Youngsaeng had become more self conscious about his looks more then ever.

"Come on Kyu do we have to film right now I don't like being seen like this." Youngsaeng replied hiding his face in Hyunjoong's shoulder.

"Calm down hyung you're going to be a appa soon. You can't worry about your image all the time." Jungmin replied as he patted his back.

"Your other appa is a little shy." Kyujong replied turning the camera towards himself to speak. After saying that to the camera he showed the others again. Soon Youngsaeng sat straight up.

"Hold on you guys." He replied covering his mouth with his free hand and running for the bathroom.

"Slow down Saeng, don't rush yourself." Kyujong said, before turning the camera towards himself, "Excuse us baby appa's sick." He then reached up and switched the camera off and put the camera down on the table and went after him. It didn't take long for the sound of vomiting permeate the place, heard by the other three. Kyujong hated this. He didn't want to have a significant other to go through this sort of thing alone. Still he waited patiently and respected his privacy as he stood there rubbing Youngsaeng's back in soothing circles. After all no one wanted a camera in the face at a time like this. The door swung open after about 5 minutes. Youngsaeng still looked ill, Kyujong of course went full helper mode and started fixing up a nausea remedy. After sitting down to a small meal he was right as rain. He was glad to see him feeling the slightest bit better.

"Hey Youngsaengie, neo gwaenchanh ni, because you look like crap." Hyunjoong replied as they sat down.

"It's morning sickness hyung." Kyujong replied.

"Yeah but it makes me worry." Hyunjoong replied looking at them both. The two came around the corner. They seemed interested. They were worried. Kyujong smiled and grabbed the camera, turning it on as they came around. Youngsaeng greeted them warmly now that his stomach had settled. He soon turned the camera back to Youngsaeng.

"What are we doing today Saengie?" He asked. Youngsaeng looked up at the camera.

"We're heading to another sonogram." Youngsaeng replied smiling. Kyujong smiled and turned the camera towards himself and stretched his arm out so that it could see him and Youngsaeng. He then looked at the camera.

"Ah ne, we get to see you again." he replied smiling looking at the camera,

he then he kissed Youngsaeng gently on the lips

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

he then he kissed Youngsaeng gently on the lips.

"Ew get a room you two!"

"Yah! Mal! You and hyung needs to get a room sometimes!" KyuJong replied chuckling; looking back at the camera "and that my baby is your samchon Jungmin, don't listen to him he's michin."

"Not as michin salam as hyung." Youngsaeng smirked as he put one hand on his small bump.

"True." KyuJong replied chuckling before they both looked at the camera one last time for the day.

"Ok I think you've seen enough today." he replied as Youngsaeng nodded smiling, showing off his famous dimples.

" he replied as Youngsaeng nodded smiling, showing off his famous dimples

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"ulineun neoleul salanghae." KyuJong replied and he and Youngsaeng blew a kiss to the camera and then waved as KyuJong turned it off.

Sorry so short!! this is what I came up with, for this chapter!!!! hope you like it!!! i promise the next chapter will be longer!!!

Videos for my baby (a Kyusaeng mpreg fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin