Chapter 19 Solve the Puzzle

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  "Hermione, wake up!", she heard someone say as he nudged her. She jerked awake and attempted to see through her blurry vision,however, she did manage to see messy black hair and two green spots below that.

  "Harry?", she tried to get up, but she quickly discovered that she was chained to the wall. Large cuffs dig into her flesh as the chains kept her from moving. Her smile was quickly replaced with a frown. They were wandless, chained to a wall, with no way to get out. 'Come on, Hermione. Think of something', she said to herself. It was her responsibility to come up with clever solutions to their situations, and suddenly an idea came to her head.

  "Grindelwald probably made sure that the cells were enchanted, but the corridor should be completely fine." Harry raised an eyebrow at her, like he was starting to understand. "I have a plan."

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   Draco ran through the endless corridor, almost driving himself insane. "There's got to be a point in which it ends." He slammed his first on the wall as hard as he could. All Draco wanted was to get out of there.

  "Will you just give it a rest? We're never getting out of here!" Blaise and Draco woke up in the middle of an empty corridor. At first they thought that Grindelwald was letting them go, but they were wrong. After an hour they discovered that the corridor was endless, and none of the doors opened.

   Draco turned to glare at his friend who was currently sitting on the ground, giving up. "Where's your Slytherin pride? Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends."

  "Well news flash, Draco, Hogwarts is over!"

"That doesn't mean anything. We were sorted into that house for a reason. He put us in here somehow, so there must be a way out of here. We just need to find it. Think like Granger", said Draco as he started to inspect the design of the walls.

That was when Blaise let out a small chuckle. "Someone has been spending too much time with Granger", Blaise mumbled to himself.

"What was that, Blaise?", asked Draco with a raised eyebrow. If anyone was going to insult Granger, he would be ready to shut it down immediately.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"Exactly. That's exactly what you're doing. Absolutely nothing, so why don't you get off your lazy butt and help me!" Draco expected that it would take hours to get out of the hallway, but the second that Blaise stood up, he was back on the floor again, laying flat on his back, and groaning from the unexpected fall. Apparently Blaise had pushed a button in the wall that opened a door to a small tunnel that was a few feet below the hallway. "See, and you said that we would never get out of here", said Draco with what Blaise would call a very annoying Granger smile, since Granger was the one person who could put him in this good of a mood. Blaise still couldn't comprehend how he was in this good of a mood when Radolphus took practically everything from him. His father, his reputation, and the love of his wife who was trapped in some other part of this building, but if someone had to be in a good mood, it definitely wasn't going to be Blaise.

   Draco basically stepped on top of Blaise's chest as he entered the tunnel. It was pitch black at first, so it was nearly impossible to know where on earth they were going. "Hey Draco, did you ever hear the story of the two idiot boys?", asked Blaise with an irritated but warning voice.

  "No, I don't recall. Is it a Muggle story?" Blaise rolled his eyes when Draco didn't catch his hint.

  "Well, it's about two boys, and they're around twenty two years old. You think they would be smart with their decisions, however, they decide to enter a pitch black tunnel, not knowing what on earth is inside said tunnel, possibly heading toward their deaths."

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