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Hermione tossed her keys on the counter as she entered her new apartment. It just like just yesterday that she was fighting against the dark lord's inner circle with the Order of the Phoenix, but even that was over four years ago.

Now she was working alongside Harry and Ron, surprisingly, as Aurors in the department of Magical Law Enforcment. She sat down on the couch and rested for a few seconds before seeing something rather odd in the corner of the room. A trail of roses led started at the door of the doorway that led into the hall. She got up from the couch, and followed the roses all the way to the kitchen, where she saw the room decorated with a bunch of candles and rose petals, while the love of her life stood in the middle. "Hermione Granger, we've had a lot of great adventures in our years, and all of them made me realize that you are the greatest person I've ever met. You don't care what other people think, and that's one of the things I love about you. I want to spend the rest of my life taking care of you, and making you happy. I love you will all my heart, and I will love you for the rest of my life." He got down on one knee and pulled out a black velvet box and opened it to show a diamond ring. "Hermione Granger, will you marry me?"

Suddenly her eyes filled with tears, she couldn't believe this was happening. "Yes", she answered. "Yes. Ron, I will marry you." She jumped into his arms before he placed the ring on her finger. She smiled with so much happiness, however, this didn't mean Happily Ever After.

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