Chapter 8 Unregretful Mistake

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Draco was still in his half-asleep state that morning. He tightened his arm around the girl that laid beside him, and started to place kisses down her exposed neck, eventually laying his head back down against the pillow. He didn't even know who it was at the moment, but he was too tired to even care to find out. This was probably what Pansy and Blaise wanted. For him to find a distraction for a night, but he simply closed his eyes, and tried to go back to sleep.

* * *

Hermione's head pounded the next morning. One too many Firewhisky's to the head, or possible five too many. Doing something like this was very unlike her, so it was definitely a shock when she woke up. Harry and Ginny will probably freak out when if they were to find out what she had done. When she turned her head slightly, Hermione noticed the arm draped around her. Ron must have come to the pub last night to pick her up. A slight smile formed on her face as she felt relief. Maybe Ron was finally making up for his recent mistakes. Hermione decided to plant a kiss on his cheek, however, blonde hair filled her range of vision when she turned over. She removed her lips from his cheek and froze. That wasn't Ron. She's blinked a few times just to make sure that she wasn't hallucinating. "Oh my gosh", she said as her eye gaze moved to her surroundings.

Discarded clothes laid all over the floor, and Hermione quickly grabbed the blanket to cover her naked body.

Suddenly, Draco started to stir and he opened his eyes to see the frizzy brown hair laying beside him. As he laid his head back down it took him a minute to process what was actually happening. He jolted his head off the pillow and looked at her with wide eyes. "Granger?", he practically shouted.

She got up and attempted to cover herself the best that she could. "..I.. and you... we..Oh my gosh." She was in too much shock at this point that she didn't even know what to say. He started to get up and move toward her but Hermione stopped him. "Please don't touch me." Draco listened. He was aware that Hermione was thinking of a lot more things than Draco. Hermione had just affected her relationship with Ron.

He held his head in his hands as she got dressed. The pounding from the hangover seemed to get worse. He looked down at the floor to respect her privacy. Draco sighed when he heard Hermione leave the room. There were many different ways for this incident to haunt him.

* * *

Pansy and Blaise didn't even make it to the guest room in the apartment. However, it was a miracle that they made it home at all. They woke up in an uncomfortable position on the couch as Blaise was basically on top of Pansy. "Alright, I love you, but get off me!", she said as she shoved his half-asleep body to the floor of the living room when suddenly Pansy heard footsteps coming downstairs. As Pansy spotted the familiar brown hair, she rolled off the couch and purposely fell to the floor.

"You tell me to get off you so that you can lay on me? Is this your revenge?" Instead of answering his question, she covered his mouth so that he would be quiet. Pansy's jaw nearly hit the floor as she noticed Hermione's extra messy hair and Draco's shirt that draped over her shoulders.

She helped Blaise get up off the floor as she saw Hermione head toward the kitchen. "Granger stayed here last night?", he asked with a confused face, and Hermione jumped when she saw the two of them staring at her.

"You two had sex?", Pansy said in disbelief.

"How do you...?"

"Your hair is extra messy, your wearing Draco's shirt, and you have that after glow." Hermione realized that she indeed did grab Draco's shirt, and her hair was a bit messy due to tossing around in the bed. "So how was it? Did the slytherin prince treat you well?" Hermione's eyes widened at how straight forward Pansy was being. She looked down at the floor basically in shame at what has happened.

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