Chapter 2 Training

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  Draco nearly screamed bloody murder when he saw Blaise and Pansy on his couch in the living room at nine in the morning. He jumped at the sight and placed a hand over his heart at the scare. "Do you two ever go home?" He watched as they pulled away from their make out session.

  "We came early because Pansy had to discuss something with Theo about a case she's been working on, however, he left about an hour ago", said Blaise. Theo worked in the Ruins and Symbols Department. He usually kept track of what some wizards leave behind as a mark when they attack certain places. Or just marks in general that mean something important.

  "So why are you still here?"

  "We got comfy", said Pansy.

  "Go home", Draco said with a rather annoyed voice. He really wasn't in the mood to start a conversation with anyone at the moment. Even the slightest breathing noises could set his anger off. He headed over to the kitchen and started to make himself a cup of coffee to get rid of something of the stress.

  "Oh no, someone's cranky." Blaise said as he got up and made his way into the kitchen, followed by Pansy. Blaise headed to the pantry for some bread to enjoy some toast for breakfast while Pansy went straight to the fridge for some fruit.

"Yes, eat my food too. You know, one of these days I'm going to crash at your house and watch you complain your lives away", Draco said without taking his eyes off his coffee mug. Blaise studied his body language before speaking again. "You know, if you had someone special in your life then you wouldn't be so miserable." Draco rolled his eyes at his statement and sipped his coffee.

  "Blimey, you sound like my mother." There have been several times when Narcissa has tried to set her son up with one of the Purebloods from Hogwarts, but every time the subject came up he would simply change the subject. 'But Draco, you might find someone who will make you very happy in life', she would say and his reply would usually involve something about Quidditch so even his dad would help him change the subject.

  "He's right, Draco. I used to think life was miserable with the reputation we had until Blaise brightened up my life, and.." Before Pansy could continue he cut her off.

  "No! I can survive without the details. I already have to deal with Theo as a roommate, so please don't add to the stress." A lot of times Theo had brought girls home. Basically every Friday night to be exact. It didn't help that Theo would occasionally forget to put silencing charms on his room. The only thing worse than the cruciatis curse was hearing the noises through the thin walls.

  "This is about Granger, isn't it?" Blaise raised his eyebrows at Draco and waited for his reaction. Draco refused to look up from his cup as he heard Blaise's words.

  "What?", Pansy asked. Apparently the day that Harry had given the assignment to them was when Pansy was home sick with a cold. So the minute Blaise got off work he rushed home to take care of her, and it worked pretty quickly considering the fact that they were making out in the middle of Draco and Theo's living room.

  "Draco gets to work with Granger on a mission. His Hogwarts crush." Draco thought about the times they had back at Hogwarts. Yes, he did have feelings for her, but he couldn't act on them due to blood prejudice. So his only other option seemed to be "get her to hate you and maybe you'll hate her back", but that plan didn't exactly work too well. He wanted to do everything he could to get his aunt to stop torturing her, and get her far away from Malfoy Manor so she would be safe. Now she was marrying the Weasel himself. After all those years of calling her a Mudblood, all the taunting and teasing, and all the regret attacked him at once. "I bet you can already see her blue eyes as you two head into battle."

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