Chapter 14 Birthday Disaster

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  Draco, Pansy and Blaise were hanging out at the apartment for their day off. The two Slytherin boys were enjoying some snacks while Pansy caught up on some extra hours of sleep. "This is actually really shocking. I understand your stress right now. I'm not sure how I would feel if someone told me that they were pregnant with my child." He turned slightly to the side and looked down the long corridor that lead to the bedrooms of the apartment where Pansy slept. "Not for a few more years.."

  "That's the thing.. she didn't even tell me. She told it to Ginny on the phone. Her best friend gets to hear the news before the father of the child." Draco and Blaise started digging into another packet of licorice wands. "I'm too young to be a father", he said as he placed another wand in his mouth.

  "You're 22."

  "That's the time to party. Enjoy happiness before life's problems take over."

  "Oh yeah, and how's that working out for you?", he said referring to the current situation at hand. "Twenty-two is also the time that most people settle down with that one person who makes your heart beat a thousand times a second." Blaise looking back down the corridor to see if his girlfriend had woken up yet, but apparently not.

  "Alright, Romeo."

  "Just imagine. A little kid, possibly even a little girl, with Hermione's big bushy hair and your eyes. I know for a fact it would have you wrapped around its finger." He thought about the idea of having children with Hermione. A big happy family would put an end to all of his misery, but there was only one problem. She was engaged to Weasel.

  Actually, that wasn't just one problem. That was a whole bunch of problems smashed together into one. Now he was in major trouble. This could completely destroy Ron and Hermione's relationship, and she could possibly never want to talk or see Draco ever again. "I'm an idiot", Draco said putting his head in his hands.

  "That you are", Blaise said as he popped a Bertie Blott's every flavored beans in his mouth, but not even a second later he spit it out. "Ugh, vomit", he said still coughing it up.

  "I told you not to eat those." Draco got up to pour himself another Firewhisky. "What should I do?"

  "Talk to her, and tell her that you're there for her without intruding on her relationship with the Weasel."

  "If that's your way of saying that there's a line not to cross, then it's already too late. I've crossed it big time." Both boys sat in silence as they both didn't know what to say.

  "Isn't tomorrow her birthday?" Draco thought about his sentence and glanced up at the calendar. Today was September 18th.

  "Yeah, it is."

  * * *

Luna and Theo were talking at the Ministry over lunch. They were suppose to be talking about cases or battlefield plans, but instead of Luna telling him about the Deathly Hallows, they were talking about Hogwarts and life in general. "Our generation was a very dark place. Some decisions we're very hard back then", Theo said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I think we all did what we could to stay alive. I tried to avoid as many sacrifices that I could. I was taken away from my father, and brought to Malfoy Manor to be tortured for information, but I refused to give it up."

"I'm sorry about that", he said looking down at his cup of pumpkin juice. "I'd also like to apologize for giving you that cut on your lip at the Battle of Mysteries. I was just trying to do what the dark lord wanted me to. I regret hurting a lot of people." Luna rubbed the back of her neck at the thought. She wanted to quickly change the subject.

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