Chapter 50- Youth

Start from the beginning

"Tch! Where is she? Where did you lock her up?" Akuma growled, switching her grip on the sword.

"Now, now! No need to rush! You've just gotten here! We've been treating that dear child with care~! More care than what we did to you that-"

"I said, WHERE IS SHE?!" Akuma roared, summoning a second sword.

"Oh dear Akuma~... You never do learn do you~?" The high tiered cloaked woman gave a sweet yet sickly smile, placing her index finger to her lips. "Your temper is truly ugly~! I hate ugly things~!" The woman pointed to Akuma, indicating her hatred towards the lonesome girl.

"And you'll never learn that you're f*cking insane- *Clash*" The cloaked woman unsheathed a sword from underneath her cloak without a moment of hesitation within her steps to violently attack Akuma. However, Akuma brought up one of her swords to block the firece strike, grunting and relief that she has quick reactions when in battle.

Quickly, Akuma jumped back, giving herself space from the wicked smile that stared her down. The woman threw the sword, aiming for Akuma's head, but it landed straight through another cloaked woman's skull. The other remaining cloaked women did not move a muscle, for they were instructed by a connection to not interfere or move with this brawl.

"Akuma darling~! It is futile if we fight here! If you kill me now, you'll never be able to get Kiroyuki back~! Fufufu~!" The woman cheered, walking to the sword in the skull, pulling it out without any struggle or care.

"Just spill out whatever you have to say already!" Akuma growled, shifting the positions of her feet as the cloaked woman walked around Akuma in a distant clock.

"I would love to tell you where Kiroyuki is, but it's not as easy as you'd think to take her back to the living world~!"

"I knew that coming here, it wouldn't be easy and that I might die, but I'm still willing to take her back." Akuma declared, eyes flaring with determination.

"Oho~! I do love the look in your eyes! I love love love it! Makes me want to gorge your lovey rubies out~!" The woman gleamed with a twisted smile, hugging the sword, covered in blood.

'Disgusting...' Akuma thought to herself, tightening her grip on the two swords she held onto.

"It sure makes me wonder though... What changed your heart to want to fix your mistakes since birth?" The woman grinned even more, twirling in circles.

"That doesn't concern you at all...!" Akuma scoffed.

"Why don't we make a deal~? It will surely help you to get back the dear girl! Hehe~!"

"... What kind of deal...?" Akuma asked, suspicion lacing within her words.

"...... Lord brother Izana!!!" Zen burst into Izana's study, breathless. The rest of the gang followed behind him, some panting and some with serious facial expressions.

"... What brings you all to come barging into my study so violently? You are quite lucky that I did not station the gaurds outside-" Izana sighed, but his sentence being cut off.

"Izana! Please tell us the truth..." Zen went closer to his older brother's desk, eyes desperate which reflected on everyone else's faces. "Did Akuma come to you just earlier?"

"No. She didn't. What is it that you need her for if you all are so breathless?" Izana stood up, walking up and towards the window to view out to the bright and majestic full moon.

" We need answers! Answers that will help us find and rescue Kiroyuki!" Mitsuhide responded, voice firm.

"....." Ryu stood behind everyone, uneasy. He began to feel lightheaded from all the conflict, eyes staring at the ground only. The shouts and conversation around him was barely audio to his ears, slowly blocking out the world around him as his eyes drooped down.

Twisted Fairytale (Snow White With The Red Hair) (Ryu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now