Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Ouch!
Annie's POV

I wanted to stay with Hayden. I did, really! But... I had to get ready for gymnastics. I told Hayden that and quickly got ready.

I grabbed my bag and hopped in the car where Mom was waiting for me. We vlogged for a little while driving. When we got there, I said goodbye to Mom and ran into the gym.

Today we were going to be rotating through bars, beam, floor, and vault. In my group was Liv and Katie. Oh great.

We started on floor, then we rotated to beam. At first, neither of them talked to me but as we walked to beam Liv said, "so where's your boyfriend?"

"I don't have a boyfriend, Liv," I said.

"Oh, yes you do... wait never mind. No boy would ever love you. What I meant was, where's Hayden? I'm surprised he isn't here, expressing his undying love for me." She said.

I just rolled my eyes and ignored her.

I waited my turn while Katie was on the beam. When she was done, I got on and began doing my routine, when suddenly, I felt two hands pushing me off the beam.

It all happened so fast. One minute, I was on the beam, and the next, I was on the floor screaming in pain. The coaches ran over and called my mom and stuff. I hardly remember what happened.

"Annie! How did this happen?" Coach Mary asked.

"She fell off," Liv said. But I knew that wasn't true.
When I woke up later, I didn't know where I was.

"Oh, Annie! You're awake!" It was Hayley. Next to her were Mom, Dad, Paige, and Hayden.

"You broke your leg. It was pretty bad, too. You'll be off it and in a cast for quite a few months, but don't worry, soon enough, you'll be back in gymnastics." Dad told me.

"Coach Mary said that Liv told her you fell off the beam," Hayden started, "is that true?"

I slowly shook my head. "No. Someone... pushed me."

"Who?" Mom asked, startled.

"I... I don't know. I was just doing my routine, and I felt two hands push me right off." I said.

"Well, you're allowed out of the hospital. We are going over there to talk to your coaches."

We got in the car and drove over to the gym.

When we arrived, me, Mom, and Hayden went in while everyone else stayed in the car.

Coach Mary took us in her office. When we told her what happened, she said that she could pull the tapes up from earlier and see what happened.

She rewinded it back to where Liv, Katie, and I were walking to beam.

Hayden blushed when he heard Liv taking about him.

"...expressing his undying love for me."

Hayden crinkled his nose. "Ew!"

Mom shushed him.

Coach Mary skipped through Katie's routine. We watched the beginning of mine and saw, obviously, that it was Liv who pushed me.

Coach Mary shook her head. "I'm going to call them to come here, and we will settle this." She said finally.

While we waited for Liv and her parents to get here, coach Mary said, "I can't believe that Liv would do something like that. I thought you guys were friends."

I silently thought of how to reply to that. "Uh... um.."

"They aren't." Hayden said for me. I silently thanked him.

"Every time I've come to watch Annie practice, Liv has been nothing but rude to Annie and has got the whole team to do the same." He continued.

"Is this true?" Asked Mom and Coach Mary. I nodded my head.

"Yes," I said.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

I paused for a moment. "I don't know," I said finally.

Just then, Liv and both of her parents walked in. Well that was quick.

"I'm just going to show you this tape," said Coach Mary.

She pressed play at the part where Katie finished her routine and I stepped onto the beam. I shut my eyes. I couldn't watch, it was as if I was living the moment all over again.

I felt Hayden put his arm around my shoulders.

When it was over and Coach Mary pressed 'pause' I opened up my eyes again to see Liv staring at the floor and her parents looking horrified.

"This kind of behavior will not be tolerated at this gym." Said Coach Mary. "Annie was seriously injured because of this. I don't know if they will decide to press charges against you or take this to court, but I can say that you will not be welcome back here-"

"What?!" Liv said.

"You need to let me finish. You will not be welcome back here if this sort of behavior continues."

I sighed. So much for that.

Liv's parents made her apologize to me and it obviously wasn't sincere, but whatever. Her parents are also going to pay the medical bills and on the way out I heard her parents telling her she was going to be grounded for a long time and that she's lucky that she didn't get kicked off the team.

The others had already went home, so we called an Uber.

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