××Chapter S I X T E E N××I need to fart××

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Olivia's POV:

The girls that Harry and the gang saved were send for a checkup and taken to their homes.

I found out that Harry's gang actually saves people...young girls more specifically.

We packed our things at the hotel and bought tickets to go back home. Back to California.

We're currently on the plane.

Disagreeing on something...

"Batman is way better than superman"

"No way! Superman rules the world"

"He also doesn't know how to dress. At least Batman can dress"

"Batman looks like a cat"

"He looks like a bat, Alex not a cat"

"I need to fart"

All of us stop and stare at Jack.

"I'm going to the bathroom now"

A giggle escapes my lips and soon all of us are laughing.

"Batman is still the best tho" Harry tells Alex and Clara before giving me a high-five.

It was morning in California and the sun-rise took my breath away.

"Look at the view!"

"Stunning as always"

I look up to agree with Harry to find that he's looking at me not the view.

A blush makes me turn my head away from his staring eyes.

We make our way towards the limo waiting for us. I let my head rest againts the window but when Harry gives the address to the driver I sit up.

"Thats my house address"

"I know"

"Why are we going to my house"

"We're taking you home"


"Because you live there"

"I know where I live! Why aren't you taking me to your house?"


"Because what?"

"We're here"

Because what Harr- We're here!!?"

I look outside and there just like the last time I saw it my house stands.

What did you think it'll move?

Not in the mood for your sarcastic comments right now!

Never in the mood for you!

For the last time!! You are a part of me...

Wish I wasn't

Yeah well-

"Are you done fighting with your inner self?"

Harry's voice makes me jump

"I wasn't-"

One look from his smiling face and I knew I couldn't fool him

"Yeah I'm done"

"Good let's go in"

"Wait you guys are coming with me?"


"But what about- what if- what??"

Clara and Alex walks infornt and Jack walks behind me and Harry. Before I know what is happening Clara knocks on the door.

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