××Chapter E L E V E N×× Girls night××

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Olivia's POV:

I blow my nose in the tissue as the credits of 'Me before You' shows on the large, flat screen TV.

"That was horrible! I hate sad endings!" Clara says while whipping her tears away.

"Same, but its a good movie"

"But sad"


"Do you want more ice-cream?"

"Do we have any left?

"Yep!" Clara goes and get us some more ice-cream while I put in a horror movie.

"What are we watching next?" Clara asks as she hands me my bowl of mint flavored ice-cream.





"No but's"


Halfway through the movie there is a knock on the door and both Clara and I let out a terrified scream. Oh gosh! I'm to young too die!

"W-who do you think it is?"

"Maybe it was just our imagination"

"Yeah... I mean no one knocks on your door at 3 o'clock in the morning. Right?"

"Exactly" There is another knock and Clara and I hold onto eachother tightly "Wel apparently they do"

"Mustn't we go check?"

"Do you want to die? Don't be stupid like the people in horror movies"

"But I'm in a gang for crying out loud! I'm gonna open the door"

Another knock

"On second thought, I think I'll stay here" I can't help it and start laughing. That was too funny...

It's not going to be funny when you die

At least you'll also be dead then


Wow... Did I actually silence my inner voice for once?

Life goal achieved



"Princess? Clara? Are you guys okay in there?" My head snaps towards the door and without a second to waste I jump up and open the door. I don't really know why but I immediately pull Harry into a tight hug, burying my head in his chest.

"You okay there, Princess?"


"What happened? We heard you guys screaming"

"I thought a doll was going to eat us"

"A doll?"


Harry's chest starts to vibrate and after a minute I realize his laughing. I pull away but he keeps on laughing.

"It's not funny"

More laughter


"Sorry, Princess...it's just...your face...I'm sorry" he starts laughing again and it's then that I realize it was him the whole bloody time! Well him and Alex.

Urrggg stupid hot guys!

"I hate you"

"You look hot when you're mad" Goosebumps appear on my arms as Harry whispers in my ear. Okay I don't hate him.

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