Not. On. My. Watch. - 12.

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Feeling his thumb circling my clitoris made me throw my head back and let out a light moan. It felt so good to have his hands on my body. I've dreamed about times like this. This is all I ever wanted but I never thought this moment would be here so soon.

I could feel his breath on my lips as my back came in contact with the mattress and he was hovering over me. I let out a loud gasp when I felt a finger slowly slide in me.

"You're so beautiful." He mumbled, kissing my cheek and then going down to my neck and sucking on it. I moaned at the feeling as he took his finger out and added another one. As much as I was enjoying this, I know it couldn't happen like this. We had so much to talk about and I refused to be a little nut for him.

"Jay," I moaned, putting my hand to his chest to push him off, "Stop."

He didn't take my request serious. I know I used to tell him to stop all the time and didn't really mean it but I was serious now. He kept going, making me lay my head against his chest and hold onto his biceps as he finger fucked me. I could hear how wet I was and I know he was enjoying that.

Eventually, he stopped and grabbed my legs. Leaning me back in the bed, he pulled my panties down to my knees until I really had to stop him. If I would have let him gotten any farther, he definitely would have gotten some.

"Seriously, stop." I said pushing him away.

I watched as he backed up, licking his fingers that had all my juices on it. I sat up and pulled my panties back up, and my dress down.

"What you make me stop for?" He asked.

"Because we just can't do this right now. We fuck and then what? We magically gonna be together or something? I'm not letting shit slide just so you can get a nut and be on about your business. You've emotionally and physically abused me so many times and you haven't even apologized for doing so. You invite this bitch to my son's party and then have the nerve to say you don't want her. Then why the fuck was she here?"

"I have apologized to you so what the fuck you mean?"

"One time!" I yelled, "You apologized once and since then, shit didn't change. You still talk to me any kind of way and put your hands on me like I don't mean shit to you Jay! I'm starting to think that weak ass apology wasn't even genuine. You only apologized because my mother said so."

He leaned against the wall looking at me, "Just like you hurt, I did too. All this shit is your fault anyway so I don't understand why you're even bitching."

I sarcastically chuckled, "My fault? You slept with my fucking sister Jay. You fucking lied to me and said that you knew for sure that Corey wasn't yours, but soon as the DNA test comes back, all of a sudden you're not sure anymore. That's a fucking embarrassment! I left my boyfriend for you, went back and forth with my sister over you because I thought she was lying but it was actually you. But because I kept my son away, it's my fault?"

"Hell yes!" He yelled, "You kept my child away because you wanted to be fucking petty. All of this could've been avoided. I admit, I fucked up but then you pull some shit like this and make shit worse than what it already was. You don't understand how much that hurts me."

"And I've apologized!" I yelled back. It was like we were trying to see who can scream the loudest, "I've apologized a thousand times Shawn. I gave you what you wanted. I let you see Braxton willingly, I don't give you any type of baby mama drama. I could've put you on child support and took all your fucking money, but I didn't. Still, I get treated like shit but Alexis and every other bitch get the highest of respect."

He shrugged, "They didn't keep my son away."

I wiped my tears and shook my head, "See what I mean? You feel no remorse. You don't care. I'm tired of going through this with you. I've apologized and there's nothing else I can do. There's no way we'll ever get passed this, so I'm done trying with you."

This Christmas (Book 2){COMPLETED}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon