The journey back was silent as I was lost in thought. Breaking through the tree line I expected to see men out and patrolling the area due to my previous talk with Xiden, but, there is nobody out. It is strange to me but I can't complain, I didn't want to see any stranger right now, my only concern was Xiden right now. Walking up to the door, I open it and let in Armanno and a struggling Xiden who's colour is just coming back.

A grey haired woman is walking fast in our direction with worry clear in her brown eyes as her gaze is locked on Xiden, "My boy, is he okay?" she asks Armanno, her voice heavy with emotions. "He went out there again didn't he." She stated more than ask, when Armanno nods his head she looks at Xiden with a motherly look, "Why?" she enquires lightly.

"You know why. Everytime he goes to destroy that building this happens to him, I don't why he insists on doing it alone."

"He's so stubborn, that's why," she starts "Always want to do things by himself because he's so macho and strong, stupido idiota...." she rambles on and I just stand slightly behind them listening to the conversation, my mind a little a ease knowing that he has people that genuinely care for him.

"Oh my, you poor thing," the elderly lady said coming to take me in her warm embrace, and my eyes water at the feeling of a motherly hug, something that I haven't had in a long time, "He's such an idiot sometimes but he's also very stubborn. Don't worry so much, he'll be just fine." I could only nod my head as she holds me at arm length examining my face, "It'll be okay, why don't we go into the kitchen to get you a proper breakfast."

"But -" I start to protest looking at Armanno carrying Xiden up the stairs before disappearing from my sight but she push in the direction of the kitchen. "Okay." I sigh giving up and letting her lead me kitchen, seating me on one of the stools around the counter before going to the stove that is already line up with pots and turns the burners on. Going back and forth I watch her grab different ingredients to start preparing lunch.

I sit there watching her chop up onions and vegetables, twisting my fingers and biting my bottom lip not really knowing what to do or say, "I'm Amira, by the way," I mumble looking up at her from under my lashes. She stops in the middle of chopping to look up at me, "I know sweetie, my name is Elethia; I'm the head maid. I've been working here for over forty years, I bascially grew that stubborn mule and every other men working here."

"Wow, working for Xiden and the others that sounded like a heavy task," I state as I remember how emotionless and intense they all are. Elethia laughs as she has a far away look in her eyes as if she is remembering the events, "It was as some point but they are all big softies once you get to know them but don't call them that, it deflates their egos real quickly and they all go walking around with their chests puff out like a baboon's butt." Elethia laughs again and this time I joined her.

I can definitely see that happening.

"Can I help?" I ask pointing to what she was previously doing. "You know how to cook?" she ask passing me the knife when I got beside her.

"Yes, my mom taught me growing up and I feel in love with cooking and baking," I told her as I focus on the task at hand.

"She sounds like a wonderful woman,"

I smile as a flash of my mother smiling appears before my eyes, "Yes, she was."

Elethia gasp before placing a comforting hand on my shoulder, offering her support but honestly, I don't need it anymore. My heart doesn't sting painfully at the memory of her anymore, the void feeling that has been with me since she died has slowly been filling up by these amazing people, Aaliyah, Ms. Mary and Bradley.

Oh, Bradley, I should remember to give him a call later.

"I'm sure she was to have raised such a beautiful woman."

Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia Story (EDITING)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें