Chapter Fifteen

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The carriage ride was short. A lot shorter that Victoria assumed it would be. Once she was in Hades' grasp, he refused to let her go and so the rest of the journey passed by in bliss as she asked question after question about his time spent on the battlefield. A few things she had learnt was how threats had been making a more regular appearance throughout the past hundred years that increased in danger.

This time, it had occurred in the depths of the Underworld, and so Hades had taken it upon himself to go despite protests from those in Mt. Olympus. The protests being that he stay and spend more time with Victoria. She felt giddy at that part, how the Gods and Goddesses had been so warm and welcoming to her.

In her weeks being apart from Hades, she had spent the time getting to know those on Mt. Olympus and the workings of their jobs. Once familiar, she began to understand the part she would be playing and how she fit in to the picture.

People still stared at her but she had now gotten used to it. It must have been surprising, seeing a mortal come into the world of the gods and not just that, she was predicted by the fates to be joined with the king of the Underworld.

Victoria could still hardly believe it.

"Where are we?" She asked, peering out of the window, confused at the unfamiliar setting.

Hades smiled at her and pulled the sheer curtains back to let her have a closer look.

"This is our home."

It was hardly a home.

Before her was a huge, beautiful castle. The structure towered above her in all its grandeur, old stone carved with beautiful designs lined the windows and doorways, white quartz shot up from the ground and lined every corner and edge of the castle. Stained glass windows in their myriad of vibrant colours gleamed in the light of the sky.

"To clarify, this is my domain, the Underworld."

The Underworld?

Hades continued, "I understand that it isn't the most pleasant of areas to live in but we have to stay here for my job as God of the Underworld. This place is apart from the horrors that you have heard of so please don't be afraid."

Even though she understood what he said, Victoria could still feel the hairs stand on the back of her neck.

The horseman had gotten off and walked around to open the door for them. Victoria carefully removed herself from Hades' lap and stepped out.

She breathed in and was surprised to smell the sweet scent of grass and flowers. A light breeze blew its way through her hair and she heard the light trickle of water somewhere in the distance.

"I didn't expect to see this in the Underworld." Victoria exclaimed as she looked at her surroundings. The ground beneath her feet was covered in small white stones that crunched satisfyingly with every step she took, the wind blew again and pushed her hair into her face. With a laugh, she moved it out of the way and tucked it behind her ears.

The next thing she felt was being engulfed in warmth. Confused, she looked to her shoulders to see a cloak on her.

"Still no jacket?" Hades grinned a half smile.

Victoria blushed in embarrassment and drew the cloak further around her. Hades chuckled and wrapped an arm around her and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"Come on, let us settle in."

With that, they headed up the lawn towards the large stone stairs towards the entrance, passing all the servants who lined the stairs and greeted them as they passed.

Victoria couldn't help but notice the curiosity in their eyes. Each one bowed deeply as they passed. Despite feeling a little uncomfortable, she smiled and shook the hand of each person as they ascended.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the grand entrance of the palace. It was overwhelming to take in. Marble statues lined the walls and huge paintings hung all around her.  A beautiful chandelier spiraled downwards from the ceiling as her heels clacked against the stone flooring. 

It was unbelievable.

How in the world did she get so lucky? 

"What do you think?" Hades murmured into her ear. 

Victoria shrieked and jumped back in surprise nearly losing balance. With ease, Hades caught her and helped her back to her feet. He laughed,  keeping his arm wrapped around her waist and planted a kiss on her temple. "What are we going to do with you?" 

Victoria pouted. "It's not my fault!  You just surprised me."

He laughed. 

"Then, I am infinitely apologetic Victoria. I beg you to forgive me." 

She gave a tentative smile at him. At the sight, Hades' smile grew twice its size. She was then pulled flsuh against him, his free hand came up and cupped her face and kissed her, deeply.

Victoria gasped against his lips in surprise before she melted against him. A slight movement from the corner of her eye made her realise that the entirely of the servant staff were staring.

She immediately pushed him away,  her face turning the a deep crimson in pure embarrassment. 

He groaned in complaint and pulled her back towards him. Victoria immediately placed her hands on his chest in attempt to keep him at distance. 

"Stop! We can't! People can see..."

Hades huffed, clearly not happy.

In an action that felt like he was wrapping his body around her, as if he were shielding her from everybody's sight. He looked over his shoulder and dismissed the staff that were now sheepishly staring at the floor, grins on their faces.

Once they all disperesed, Hades looked down at a very red faced Victoria engulfed in his arms.

"What would you like to do now? We can have a walk around the Palace so you can get to know the place, or you can rest a bit, or we can have a look at the gardens." 

There was a pause as Victoria thought. 

She had already eaten and the fight they had plus the whole carriage ride had left her tired. Everything around her was so different that it felt like she had to sleep in order for her brain to process everything she had experienced in the day. 

"I think I would like to rest if that's okay?" 

At that, he scooped her up in his arms

"Hades! Please put my down, I can walk on my own!" 

He looked down at her, eyes full of warmth.

"You're tired. My job is to take care of you. So please let me do this for you. I will have the staff run you a bath before you sleep." 

At that, he headed up the stairs with Victoria in his arms. She could feel her eyes drooping to the sway of him walking. As if her body realised that Hades was back and could only now relax in his arms, in his comforting scent and the steady beat of his heart. She tucked her face into the crook of his arm and slowly closed her eyes. 

Her heart no longer felt weighed down from his absence. Instead, in the warmth head of his body, Victoria smiled. Finally feeling the happiness she was missing in weeks.

Hades - God of the Underworld Where stories live. Discover now