Chapter Three

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"Lady Aldridge," the God's voice rang out in the hall, "I King Poseidon, Zeus and Hades would like to formally welcome you to our Palace in Mt. Olympus." There was a loud rustle and she turned to see that everyone in the room - save for the three Kings upon the steps and about ten others who were all standing at the front - either bowed or curtsied to her.

What the hell was going on? She was sure that the people in this hall were very important, and just as sure that they were also Gods too. So why were they bowing to her?

She stared in confusion as they all stayed that way, heads lowered.

Hermes nudged her. "You need to tell them to rise." He whispered in her ear.

Victoria blushed. "Please rise." She stated, embarrassment stinging her cheeks red. She turned back around to face the front and it was as if she couldn't help herself as she once again stared at the men who had captured her interest. Hades.

Fear turned her cold as she stared. The God of the Underworld was sitting right there, looking like a panther being restrained from pouncing on its prey. He was still glaring at her. The fear she felt for this man overtook any attraction that could feel for him. Why was he glaring at her like that? She had never spoken to him.

At a realisation, she could feel her skin flare red as she remebered what that maid had said earlier. This big and terrifying man was the person who had carried her to the Palace when she had collapsed due to teleporting. The maid had described it as romantic. She shivered. The lack of fabric her dress had left her cold.

Victoria didn't know how to feel any more humiliated than she already did at the image of him carrying her. He must've been the owner of the voice then, the one who's voice had made her stop in her tracks, the reason why she felt so exhilarated and alive with electricity. Why on Earth did she feel this way?

Poseidon cleared his throat. "We understand that this must be a big shock to you. Coming all this way without understanding what was going on around you so let us explain. Zeus?" The God turned to the man sitting in the middle. Directing everyone's attention to him.

Zeus, with his handsome features and big stature, was not at all what Victoria expected personality wise. Where Poseidon was was a little calm and upright inn an attitude the fitted his role, Zeus was warm and friendly. He immediately stood up, like a cat springing to its feet, as soon as his brother sat down. And immediately started pacing the huge podium. He came to a stop and immediately descended the steps, heading straight towards her. Victoria couldn't help but feel alarmed.

"Lady Alderidge," Zeus grinned at her warmly, taking her free hand and kissing it lightly, "it's an honour to have you here. I'm sure everyone here will agree with me when I say that we've been looking forward to your arrival for many a millenia. The Fates who create and weave our future predicted years ago that a war would be arriving to us. As the Titans begin to rise again, we must do everything in our power to subdue them once and for all." Zeus headed back to the podium and continued his pacing."Once we found this out from the Fates, we discussed how we are to defeat them. As this challenge would test even the deepest of our bonds, we asked them what we could do to win. And in order for that to happen, Hades' will have to be with his intended. Which is you."

At his words, Victoria grew terrified. She was Hades' intended? As in romantically? And apparently everyone in the hall knew? But how? She had never met the man before, had never spoken to him or anything of the sort. None of this made sense. Victoria was struggling to let the news sink in. She opened her mouth to speak.

"I-I'm not sure that I understand. There must be a mistake here. I'm not a God or anything like that. Just a human. There's no way that I should be here, let alone what I'm here for." Victoria was too terrified to ever lift her head to look at Hades. He was huge. And angry. It looked like he had a temper. She shuddered to think what he would do to her.

"As scary as this situation is for you. This is the truth. You will continue to stay in this Palace for the coming week until the Winter Solstice, by then my brother will take you to his domain." Zeus looked around the room and nodded his head to the court." That will be all, thank you."

The Gods and Goddesses among her started talking amongst themselves as Victoria processed what was said to her. She shivered.

One by one, the Gods and Goddesses filed out the room. Athena smiled gently at her.

"Please do not be afraid my child. No harm will come upon you, you have nothing to fear." She placed an arm on Victoria's should as she said so. "Now please excuse me, we must prepare ourselves for the feast tonight."

She could feel the air fill with electricity once again. Hermes suddenly let go of her arm. And kissed her hand. "Take care my Lady, see you at the feast!"

Apollo bowed at her and departed along with Hermes.

Victoria was suddenly very aware that she was standing alone. With the God of the Underworld. She turned toward him.

"Your Majesty." She greeted, slowly raising her head to meet his eye. Up close, he really was intimidating. His huge stature blocked any sight of the hall as he towered over her. Huge broad shoulders and chest, she could bet that he was all muscle underneath the armour. She almost had to strain her neck to look up at him.

He stared at her. Her breath stopped as she froze when a hand came up to her face. A finger lightly stroked her cheek and trailed down to her jaw, he slowly traced her jawline with an unreadable expression on his face. The finger slowly trailed down the side of her neck and tucked some hair behind her ears. Goosebumps followed wherever his skin met hers. His expression darkened.

"Am I really that repulsive to you?" He demanded. Victoria flinched at the ice in his words, terrified.

"N-no you don't, I j-"

"Just what?" His black eyes bore into hers, it felt like he could see right into her soul. "First you reject my gifts and then you have the audacity to reject me in front of Olympus. I know I'm not the best to look at but for fucks sake-" he cursed again as he saw goosebumps rising all over her skin. She was trembling.

"My King, I-" Victoria was suddenly interrupted at the sight of him removing his cloak. A second later, she was engulfed in the same woody scent that had comforted her before she fainted. That confirmed everything. He was the same man she had encountered when she first arrived here.

She could feel her cheeks heating up as he adjusted the cloak on her, his skin lightly traced against her chest as he fixed it into place. Warmth and comfort seeped into her veins. Even if the cloak was way too big for her, she still began warming up in it.

Shocked barely covered it. Victoria was almost lost for words at the kind gesture.

"The next time you are cold, you tell someone. You'll get ill if you don't keep warm." Hades grumbled.

Maybe he wasn't the brute she thought he was after all. Nobody had noticed that she had been freezing in her dress, the marble under her bare feet didn't help anything either. She tried her best to hide it in fear of burdening anybody. Something deep down throbbed in the pit of her stomach, touched by his attention and action.

"Thank you." She whispered, still staring into his eyes.

There was a pause. The tension was palpable in the air. Hades was the first to break the silence.

"Damn it." He cursed and in one step, she was in his arms, pressed against the cold metal or his armour. An arm went around her waist and gripped the fabric on her dress, the other travelled behind her neck before sinking into her hair. He gripped it gently and tugged, forcing her head back as he claimed her mouth with his.

Hades - God of the Underworld Where stories live. Discover now