Chapter Thirteen

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It had been three days since she had came back from Olympus to the mortal realm. Victoria sat by the window of the coffee shop she had arranged to meet Calum in. It was weird being back after experiencing the God's domain. The mortal world felt as if it had lost its excitement, as if the saturation of the world she was in had been dialed down a notch.

After the meeting she had with Zeus and Posideon, Victoria had stayed in Olympus for the following week, hoping to spend more time with Hades. However, crisis took place as sightings of monsters had appeared and he and the knights he commanded departed.

Leaving Victoria behind to worry herself ill.

It was Athena's idea to send Victoria back to the mortal realm. For a few days whilst Hades was away, to sort out her affairs and pack anything she needed for when she returned. And so Victoria left, with Athena promising that she would keep an eye out for her in case of any danger.

The coffee shop's bell ringed and brought her out of her thoughts. She looked up and saw Calum there, scanning the café in search for her.

Nerves began to send her heart racing. In her entire life, she had never ended a relationship before, had no clue how to do it without hurting the other person.

Even then, surely he'll be fine since we only saw each other for a few months.

Calum ordered his coffee and headed over to Victoria's table when she waved at him.

"Calum, hi!" She greeted him as soon as he arrived at the table, standing up and giving him a hug, quickly detaching herself to avoid any kisses or further intimacy.

"Hi Tori, it's good to see you. I was worried on your birthday, you weren't in and I didn't hear from you for the next week. Is everything okay?"

Victoria gave him a small smile. She felt horrible. It was rare these days to find partners like Calum. Somebody so patient, warm and understanding. Somebody who chose to see the best in every person he met. Breaking up with him would be like hurting a golden retriever puppy.

"I'm well, thank you. I'm so sorry for not texting you, you see, I was kind of unable to do so."

His brows furrowed. Victoria watched his clear blue eyes narrow from the motion, watched as the corners of his mouth dipped a little to a small frown.

"Are you sure everything all is alright? This is all very unlike you. Did something happen?"

She laughed a little and took a sip of her cooling black coffee.

"The truth is, Cal, I-is that I cheated on you."

The words felt like shards of glass scraping against her throat. She felt so ashamed.

There was silence. Victoria didn't dare look at him.

"I'm so sorry Calum, I'm so sorry that I've done this to you, it's not fair-"

She stopped as she felt his hand cover hers.

He chuckled.

"Victoria, don't worry. We were only seeing each other for a couple months, it's no biggie. It wasn't even long enough for me to think it was an actually thing, you know? I thought we were also seeing other people at the same time."

That shocked her. Her head snapped up and immediately met his gaze.

He looked completely earnest as he continued speaking. "So there's honestly nothing to worry about. I'm guess that's why you didn't call me after your birthday, wasn't it?"

He couldn't have been more wrong. But the words refused to form in her mouth.

"I don't know what to say." She said eventually, feeling as though she were an ancient computer still loading up the information it received.

Calum laughed and placed a kiss upon her hand. In surprise, Victoria jerked her hand away.

"It's no issue, we can continue how we were. It was so nice wasn't it? How casual it was, so easy and fun." He then distracted himself by drinking from his coffee and reading the back of the biscuit packet next to his mug. "Huh, you know it always scares me how many ingredients I don't recognise in packaged food, really makes you wonder doesn't it? Do you think-"

"Calum, I'm a little confused. You've been seeing other people?"

"Yes of course," he paused as his face turned troubled, "oh no, I see what's happened here. You thought-"

"I thought we were official and you thought-"

"I thought we were just seeing each other, not officially."

Victoria could feel her cheeks heat up in humiliation. How could she misread a situation so badly?

"Oh no," she groaned to herself and covered her face with her hands, "I am so sorry for misinterpreting things."

"Oh god! Please don't apologise! I'm sorry for misinterpreting things too, I just thought-"

"I just thought-"

They both looked at each other. The astonishment and relief on his face reflected exactly what she was feeling.

Calum burst into giggles. A few moments later and Victoria joined in. It was a beautiful moment, as confusing as the situation was, but still beautiful. The two sitting in a coffee shop, in peals of laughter whilst strangers around them glanced at them in mild annoyance.

As soon as they calmed down, another would start again and it the laughter seemed to run in a never ending cycle. Victoria had her face in her hands whilst Calum had doubled over on his chair, the coffee long forgotten.

She had missed this. Missed her friendships and connections. No matter how odd or confusing. And she would miss it.

With this thought, she sobered up.

"Oh Calum, I'm going to miss you."

"Miss me? What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm ending things between us, the romantic stuff. I'm moving away."

She doubted telling him she was moving to the immortal realm with her intended, Hades, the god of the Underworld, would help clear anything up. Better to keep that to herself.

And it felt nice to keep it to herself. Something about Hades felt extremely personal to her, somebody she never wanted to share with anybody else.

"Moving away?" Calum furrowed his brows yet again, "how come?"

"I'm moving abroad with this guy I met."

"I don't know Victoria, this seems very sudden."

His concerned words touched her. It was very sudden. But he would never understand her situation.

"Who is this guy? Is he good to you? I've never heard of him before, what's his name?"

"His name is Hades."

"Like the Greek god? Wow okay that's intense. Does he treat you well? Look Victoria, nothing else matters unless you are happy."

Victoria smiled at him, and smiled at the thought of Hades. She peered out the window dreamily.

"He does treat me well, he's so incredibly kind to me and-"

A familiar figure was leaning against a black sports car right outside the coffee shop. Pedestrians walking past were staring at him and his stature. And no wonder, he looked huge in comparison to them. He was wearing a black tunic and black trousers, and a murderous expression on his face.

Her throat completely dried up.

"-and he's right there."

Hades - God of the Underworld Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum