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Nap time

You walked inside of your shared apartment , carrying bags of food , movies , and clothes.
Why are you carrying these things? Simple ....

Movie night with your amazing rapper boyfriend , yoongi!!
Don't ask about the clothes , you got distracted .

"Yoongi!~ I'm home!" You yelled out , scrambling to the kitchen , quickly placing down the bags and wiping your hands on your grey pants.
When you didn't receive an answer you either assumed he wasn't here or he was just sleeping.

"Yoongi??" You murmured , poking your head into his 'at home studio'.
Hm...not in there , you thought furrowing your eyebrows in confusion.
Ah hah! Bedroom!!!
You smiled , running to the room before stopping in even more confusion as you backed up and looked into the living room.

There yoongi lay on the couch , asleep with no care in the world , surrounded by music sheets and crumpled papers.
"Are you serious?" You whispered , pouting and in disbelief as you walked over to the mint green haired male. You always adored watching him sleep , not in a creepy way , like...in a girlfriend squealing in cuteness way.
He had his arm behind his head , his other arm across his stomach , lazily. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and his mouth was slightly open , letting out soft puffs of air.

You sighed as you stared in awe at his sleeping form , he was always one to make you mad but made a face to make you forget what you were mad about.
And you were mad that he made a mess and didn't answer your texts but right now, all of your anger vanished.

"Sugaaaaa~~~ " you whispered ,  z smiling as you poked his cheek, giggling.
He eyebrows furrowed more and he grumbled, pushing your hand away.
"yoongi! Wake up!" You yelled , placing your hands on your hips , glaring at the male who just grumbled more in response.
"Yoongi the house is on fire!" You yelled , jokingly.
"Mm.." He mumbled , still asleep.

You mumbled and pouted , then a light bulb went off.
"Hey yoongi , I love you" you said , softly as you began kissing his cheek going to his jawline , sitting on the floor.
"Mmhmm...luv u too" he grumbled again , pushing your face away. "Ah! Hey!" You yelled. You sighed , 'I wish it didn't have to come to this but you did it yoongi' you thought , smiling evilly . You leaned to his ear  and spoke in a slightly soft but harsh voice. "If you don't get up right now , min yoongi , no sex or kisses for a month" you whispered , then blew in his ear.

You sighed when you didn't get a response and stood up , getting ready to go take a shower but was stopped by a hand grabbing yours and pulling you on the couch. "Hey! Yoongi! Lemme go! Urgh!" You yelped , squirming around until you just gave up , pouting.

"You brat , you woke me up..." Yoongi groaned , wrapping his arms tighter around your waist .
"Because I said no sex and kisses?" You asked , smirking. Yoongi glared " maybe...." He whispered , looking down at your defenseless form.
"Whateverrrrrr...." You murmured , smiling as your eyes began to get heavy , listening to your warm boyfriends heartbeat.

"Forget the movie , its nap time" you said , closing your eyes now.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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