Chapter 25

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Jule smiled shyly and looked down as her breathing began to speed up. Trent was the only one to notice, seeing as Fletcher was looking into Jia's eyes. He almost seemed hypnotized, but Jia looked more interested in Jule.

"Whoah, calm down J. Ive got you!" Trent said scooping her up as she reached the point of gulping down air but nothing helped. Jia had a sinister smile painted on her lips but no one seemed to notice, other than Jule.

Trent picked her up and walked away from the other two leaving them to do, whatever they felt like. Trent stooped beside her and began moving his arms trying to help her regan her breath.

Jule soon was able to breath properly she hugged Trent and sighed.

"What happened Jule?" He asked brushing her curls behind her ear.

"She acts sweet. But shes a snake through and through. She wanted me to sneak her and her friends into the common room so they could mess it up and steal things. Shes bad news but Fletcher seems so in love i dont want to ruin it."

She dropped her head into her hands and closed her eyes. Trent moved and wrapped an arm around her. "Its ok Jule. He'll come to his senses. Until then we just cant let her get to us. Ok? Christmas is coming soon and you'll get to have a break and wrap your head around things."

Jule smiled and hugged him again causing him to chuckle. "Thank you Trent. I dont deserve a friends like you and Fletcher. You both are too good for me." She whispered as Trent rubbed her back.

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