Chapter 6

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Bella and Jule cleansed themselves and got dressed. Hermione put the bowls of food down.

"Now. No wearing the fruit this time. " she smirked and pointed to the two.

Jule and Bella held their head down and looked up with their eyes to meet Hermiones and tried not to smile. Hermione fixed her a bowl and sat with her wife and daughter.

They talked and ate for an hour about how Jule was enjoying her new home and family.

"So Jule. " Hermione started with a smile "There's  a playground near by. What do you think? " She asked her daughter and watched as her face lit up and she jumped down and went running to her room screaming with joy.

Hermione and Bella laughed as they walked to their rooms to put on some clothes other than pajamas. When they got done they walked out to Jule bouncing with joy.  The two girls laughed and put on their shoes to go to the playground.


Hey guys!  So school just started, its the forsr day, and I'm sitting in my physiology class rn. Writing this. So now that school has started im gonna be alittle busy but i should be able to uodate a good bit. Anyway, bye bunnies!


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